A Day in the Past - Episode 8

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"Good luck, man." Mickey mentions. "Just relax. It doesn't hurt at all. Just concentrate your mind on the events between 2007 and 2008. We'll see it all on this computer, so even if you miss it, we should be able to see it." Martha explains and comforts him down. "See you, World War 2." Rex says as he gets put to sleep and has his mind set in the events between 2007-2008.

Jack visits multiple memories, the first being one of him and Ianto when they're Suzie's body in freezers, where Torchwood employees bodies are left, and talk about the possibility of another Resurrection Gauntlet as "gloves usually come in pairs". The next memory is when Suzie kills herself and Gwen joins Torchwood. He explains to Gwen that he can't die and that she can join Torchwood. After that, it's the first time Owen died and bleeds to death. "Jack you need to concentrate." Martha speaks through his visions. The next one is where he holds Toshiko as he dies in his arms. "Jack, go back about 9 months. I think it's around then." Martha advises him to think of times 9 months before the tragic deaths of Owen and Tosh.

Gwen and Rhys are still with Andy, keeping him company and looking after him. "Gwen, don't stay here too long. Alright?" Andy advises her, still in the bed and healing. "I won't. I just need to make sure that you're fine." Gwen replies to him. "I'll be fine! Go on, you should see your daughter, Gwen. And spend more time with Rhys." Andy tells her, although she doesn't feel comfortable leaving him. "He's right there, man! You should spend more time with me and the family. Not Torchwood, or your job." Rhys adds and Gwen gives in. "Okay." She agrees and they head off home, leaving Andy to recover.

Back in Jack's memories, Martha and Mickey seem to have found the date where the aliens hacked Torchwood. "Okay now Jack, I need you to go over to where Tosh was on her computers and find how the aliens hacked it." Martha orders him in a calm voice, as she knows that it'll be hard for him to walk around with his deceased colleagues. "Sir, would you like some tea?" Ianto questions Jack. Jack stands there in silence. He stares into his eyes and wonders what could've happened if he hadn't died. "N-no. No, thank you. I'm fine, Ianto." Jack replies after momentarily in shock. Ianto smiles and nods his head and walks off.

Jack goes over to Tosh's desk and checks her computer. He notices the date on a newspaper. It's after The Master and Captain John's first arrival, but before Martha turned up and Owen's first death. "Oh, Jack. What are you doing at my desk? Is something wrong? Do you need something?" A confused Toshiko questions a remorse Jack. "No, no. Nothing's wrong. Weren't you trying to, er... crack some alien codes?" Jack asks her about the codes that the aliens had hacked. "Yes, I was. They seem very strange. I haven't cracked much, in fact very little actually. All I've found so far is "We will take...". What do you think that would mean?" Tosh explains to him and asks his thoughts. "Haven't a clue! Keep working, we ought to get these bastards eventually!" Jack rises her confidence and pats her on the back. "Yes, okay... sir." She replies and feels a bit confused about the conversation.

Jack is on his way to his office, however he is stopped by Owen. "Doctor Owen Harper." Jack says to him as Owen pulls him over towards him. "Captain Jack bollocks! Do you mind checkin' out this corpse we found. Dunno where you've been earlier, but I'd like you to check this out, alright?" Owen informs him and takes him to the autopsy room. Martha speaks through Jack again, "Jack, you need to gather information on the aliens." Jack ignores her, as he wants to spend more time than he could of had with his friends.

In the autopsy room, Gwen is sitting there on the phone to Rhys. "Sorry, we're working late again tonight. You know Torchwood." Gwen says to him. With her stating 'Torchwood' to Rhys puts the timeline in a much easier place for him. "Right, Jack. So, yes, this absurdly strange looking alien under here-" Owen starts, however he is cut off by Tosh. "Jack! I need you over here, quickly!" Tosh calls him over. "Sorry, Owen. Another time?" Jack states and goes to see Tosh. "That man has the attention span of a bloody goldfish!" Owen mentions to Gwen once he leaves. "I know. I remember this one time -- Ooh! Rhys just sent me a text saying that-" Gwen replies ironically. "Never mind." Owen cuts her off and sits down on a chair in the room.

"These codes are sort of... changing." Tosh informs him. Ianto comes over. "Everything okay here?" He questions them. Jack stares into him again, but remembers that he has important work to be doing. "Jack, we've got it!" Martha exclaims and Jack's vision is going blurry. "We're pulling you out now. Stay calm." Martha informs him. "No. I can't go yet. I wanna say goodbye!" Jack pleads, however he is brought back to the real world too soon.

"I didn't wanna go yet. I just... I have to see them. Just once more." Jack begs Martha as he gets up from the chair. He notices that Archie has fallen asleep. He smirks to himself. "You can re-enter whenever you want. Just tell us first. It could be dangerous." Martha informs him. "You're speaking to the man who's been through the whole 20th century and still looks surprisingly dashing for someone over 100! I don't care how dangerous it is." He proclaims and grabs some alcohol off a table and sits next to Archie.

Martha and Mickey return to their office. "Told you we shoulda got someone else." Mickey reminds his loving wife: Martha. "No. It worked. We have all the information we need to prevent this attack. Or at least help us in a war against them." Martha states. "Now to find their location. They may be on Earth already, or planning attacks on their ship above the Earth. Despite that, we have the information!" Martha says and puts the files on the desk.

Rex sits next to Jack (Jack is in the middle of Rex and Archie). "You alright, World War 2?" Rex questions Jack. "You ever gonna call me Jack?" He asks, Rex shakes his head in negative response. "Shit. I just saw all my friends. All my friends that died because of me. And the worst part is that I never get to see them again, again. Unless I go back. But I can't." Jack answers him. "I should think it gets better. Us immortal guys gotta look out for each other, you know. I'm here for you, just as you're here for me. We won't have to see one another die. We're stuck together like this." Rex comforts him, as he will have to do at times like this.


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