9 - The One He's Walking To

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June 2017
Taylor's POV

I could see the heart of music city from where I sat in the office building overlooking today's drop zone. Tourists roamed the sidewalks with shopping bags or drinks in their hands. They strolled without a strong sense of direction. The streets weren't too crowded since it was mid-afternoon. By night, the whole downtown strip would be packed full of people covered by the glow of the neon signs. I watched as impatient Uber drivers swerved around pedestrians. Musicians hustled by with their gear. A pedal bar occasionally rolled past my window. Nashville had an indescribable kind of energy.

I hoped this energy meant that today's operation would go well. It had already been a long day starting with the paparazzi learning about my relationship with Joe. Of course I was upset, but I didn't have the time or energy to worry about it. My main concern was the operation. I couldn't afford to botch it. I didn't want to find out what would happen to me or my family if I did. I just wanted to be at home laying in bed with my boyfriend and cats.

It had been a few years since I ran an operation with other agents. Usually, I worked alone. I preferred it that way. There was nobody else to worry about, no confusion. I could make decisions quickly.

For about the tenth time today, I mentally ran through the brief on the operation. Something about it felt different. We weren't following any sort of procedure which made me think that this was a last minute operation. Since we were dealing with an MI6 defector, I figured that they recently decided to pass along this intel and needed it done quickly. I still couldn't figure out why James needed me to take this instead of another agent. I was only monitoring comm devices. We weren't even running tight surveillance. I didn't have to watch traffic cameras or building security.

There were only two other agents assigned to this operation. Mia who had been developing the source was going to meet them to obtain the package. Another agent, Leo, would be nearby in case any issues arose. They weren't new recruits, but they weren't seasoned agents. I would oversee the entire operation from my position in this office building. Once my team obtained the package, I would meet up with them to get it. Since whatever information we are collecting is above all of our security clearances, I am supposed to deliver it to James as soon as I have a safe way to do so. Seemed easy enough. The only trouble was the possibility of MI6 being present and armed. We really had no plan with how to deal with that other than to call of the drop or run as fast as we can. Not great on our part.

At 14:50, I checked in with my team. "Everyone ready?"

I got a yes from both agents who blended in with the tourists standing around. Everything in the area looked fine. Nothing unusual. When 15:00 rolled around, I announced "operation is a go."

With an information drop, we usually expect the source to be on time. Nothing is ever certain though. We waited for five minutes and saw no sign of the source. Operations often required more patience than activity.

Mia glanced down at the phone in her hand. She must have gotten a message from her source because she started moving toward the entrance of the building.

When she did, I spotted someone familiar. I grabbed my binoculars just to make sure. Even with the ball cap, I immediately recognized the grey shirt and jeans. Joe? I instinctively panicked. If MI6 was in the area with weapons, I didn't want him to get caught in the middle. "Keep moving, Joe. Walk on through," I talked out loud to the window like I was talking to the television playing a sporting event.

I knew that Joe was going to explore Nashville today while I worked. Earlier today, I gave him a list of places to check out. My idiot self put the country music hall of fame, the location of our drop, on the list. I didn't mind that he was going, but his timing was horrible.

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