This girl was like my brother. And met each other, and ended up dating. I wonder what else they did.


30 Years Later: 2012

I stood looking at a picture of Ford and me. I put it down and slipped my necklace into my shirt to hide away. Stans's Niece Mabel and Nephew Dipper- I think that was the kid's name Or nickname at least. They were coming to visit, well already got here, to what once was Ford's home, was now the Mystery Shack. Used to be known as the Murder Hut, a terrible name for an 'attraction' See, I had Ford's money locked up, and no one, absolutely no one knew Stanley was pretending to be Ford, and they all 'knew' that 'Stanley' was dead.

I walked downstairs to see Stan and Soos, I ignored them and walked into the kitchen. Mabel and Dipper have been here for a few days. And I saw Mabel. I opened the fridge and she looked at me.

"Are you and Gruncle Stan dating?"

"I would never date him," I started and she giggled.

"You're just saying that. You two are the same age right?" She pushed her hands on her cheeks.

"Actually I'm younger than him." I said and she nodded.

"You don't look the same age, you look super young." She said and I nodded pulling out a picture that was folded.

"That's me when I was young," I said and she gasped.

"You look like you haven't changed."

"You're just saying that."

"I am." She smiled at me innocently and I looked at her took it back slipping it back into my pocket.

"Anyway, what are you doing?"

"I'm writing a note for a cute guy." She said and I laughed.

"Come on lets get to work." I said and she nodded running out I looked at Stanley who was picking up signs and I sighed looking down at my hands. Every night I had nightmares of what Ford was going through. Was I pathetic? Maybe. But I couldn't help but worry. These kids looked like they had potential. Especially that boy. Dipper. I walked out and walked to a kid who was making a mess of the postcards and cleaning up. Stan forced Dipper to go put up signs out in the forest.

"Just yesterday my mosquito bites spelt our 'BEWARE'" he said holding his arms up.

"That says 'BEWARB', Look kid all that creepy mumbo jumbo is a local legend for guys like me to sell things to guys like that." Stan pointed at a customer.


Later after Dipper returned he was carrying a familiar-looking book. I walked into the living room, and he didn't notice me until I grabbed the book lifting it up.

"Oh- uh Y/N.." he stuttered. It was Ford's journal. I looked at the cover and pressed my hand to the cover. I opened it and ran my fingers along the writing and drawings. I looked at the kid. "You're gonna tell me its all fake huh?"

"No." I smiled closing the book, once again looking at the hand. "Why dont you find out on your own if its real or not." I said handing him the book. "You're a bright kid. You keep it." I said and he took it looking at me happily. "You remind me of someone I used to know. You have potential." I said and he excitedly opened the book but stan walked in and he through it behind the couch cushion.

"What you reading kid?"

"Nothing! Just.. gold chains for old men?" He mumbled and I laughed. I walked out of the room.

Working on the portal became my life, and it was like days would just go by. When I did come out the kids would ask where I went but I just shrugged, stan would come down at night but I would just go over the plans with him and continue.


"Y/N! Y/N!" Ford came running in grabbing me. I looked up at him and smiled.

"What? What?" I called and he pulled me up.

"There's a cave behind the falls!" He said and I shook my head.

"What? No there isn't."

"Yes, I've found it today." He said pulling me to my feet and I laughed.

"Okay okay. I'm coming."

When at the falls we climbed on the rocks to behind it and I walked in to see the cave he said. I felt him grab my hand and I smiled i loved holding his hands, I always knew it was him because of his extra finger. We walked deep into the tunnels but nothing yet was suspicious. He kept looking over at me and finally, I stopped and looked at him.

"Ford, what's wrong?"

"Nothing why would you think that?"

"You keep looking at me, more than normal."

".. Y/N.. I have a question for you-"

2012: Present Day.

I sat up rubbing my eyes hearing sounds from above, sounded like laughing but i just decided to go up once it was clear on the cameras. When the door was closed and I was about to walk to the back when I was grabbed, I turned and looked seeing Stanley.

"Hey Y/N.. I was wondering.. maybe you should take a break."

"A break?"

"It's been 30 years. You need it." He said and I looked down. "With the amount of stress you've been under. Im Surprised you still look so beautiful." He said and I squinted at him. "I uh- I mean since you- I met you, I mean-" That's when I heard a giggle and I sighed. I walked to the kitchen with Stan and sat down.

"It's hard Stan. I still have nightmares." I sighed and he hummed.


"Yeah and not just that, these kids are great and all it just.. 'm scared they'll just end up like us. Washed up and looking for trouble." I sighed and looked at him softly. He looked down. "I've been trying to get him back and finally we're getting closer but what if.." I shook my head. "No never mind."

"No what is it?"

"It's nothing."

What if Bill comes through instead.?

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