a small explosion of stuttered "okay?"s and "huh"s erupted from all four as catra popped in her earbuds.

with the turn of her heel, she walked away to her dorm- not bothering to turn back as she offered a simple hand wave as consolation.

what could she say?

she might have a thing for girls who play sports.


"adora! please, when you go out there tonight, don't fucking hurt yourself again," glimmer, pom poms and all gesturing with fervor. she stood upon a chair as she leaned over towards the back of adoras head. small hands threw blonde locks into a firm ponytail before she hopped down, her boyfriends hands carefully gripping her waist to keep her steady so she wouldn't fall.

she tip toed to bows cheek, kissing it before smiling up at him.

"awwwww look at you two love birds," adora, prominent fifth wheel (along with perfuma) gushed.

she threw her helmet on, catching the eye roll of the pink haired girl and the blush of bow.

"ughhh why don't you ever make fun of seahawk and mermista?" glimmer groaned, waving a pom pom towards the couple. seahawk noticed the gesture, tearing his gaze from mermista to grin brightly.

"because. well. they're seahawk and mermista? I can't really explain it right now though glimmer! I have a game to win," adora beamed, rushing out toward coach huntaras call for all players.

on the sidelines stood a somewhat reluctant catra, desperately trying to block out kyles persistent coaching as he showed her what tips to use when photographing football. she leaned forward against the chain link fence, eyes dancing across the field.

she barely understood what was happening on the field, eyes nearly glazed over as no one caught her attention.

until someone did.

a built body, seemingly a few inches taller than catra, moving across the field with intensity and intent.

she couldn't catch a good glimpse at the girl, so she simply settled for watching over her.

her mismatched eyes stayed darting between the girl and the others, occasionally looking over at kyle to make sure he wasn't blown away by the wind.

then, she saw a smaller figure across the field.

she stared back with a scrunched expression, pink hair ruffled by the night breeze. her eyes glowered towards catras gaze. but why should catra care?

she simply ignored her.

and with the blink of her eye- the game was over. catra shook her head, not even registering who won the game.

scorpia caught catra in her view, smiling at her with the energy of the sun.

catra hopped the fence with ease, jeans grazing the top before sauntering over to a sweaty scorpia.

"you still up for food you big jock?" catra asked, slapping her hand on scorpias jersey clad back.

scorpia whipped her head to turn to catra, nodding with vigor.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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