Chapter 13

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After they said hi to Luna and welcoming Lucy back to the guild.......

"Hey Lucy, wanna start fighting?" Gajeel asked.

"Sure thing. Let's take it outside." Lucy said.

Everyone went outside to watch the two dragon slayers fight one-on-one.

After a few minutes later....

"I won!" Lucy said.

"Good job Lucy." Luna said.

"Thanks Luna." Lucy said.

Everyone was surprised that Lucy won.

"Good job Lucy." Levy said.

"Thanks Levy." Lucy said.

Once it was dark....

"Hey Lucy, can stay at your place?" Gray asked nervously and blushing at the same time.

"Sure thing Gray." Lucy said.

So Gray followed Lucy and Luna to there house and went inside.

"Gray, why did you asked to stay at my place today?" Lucy asked.

"It is because I wanted to ask you this for a long time. And that is, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Gray asked.

"S-s-sure." Lucy said while blushing.

"Really, Thank you!" Gray said.

"You know I liked for a while." Lucy said.

"Same thing Lucy." Gray said.

"I love you Gray." Lucy said.

"I love you too Lucy." Gray said.

Then they both kissed and went back with the others.

After a few years....

Lucy already gotten pregnant with Gray's baby and they were raising that baby out of town for a while. They both were planning to keep it a secret especially because the baby had both there powers of a dragon slayer/god slayer/ice maker magic. But that little kid does not have a cat for a reason and that reason is that she will then have Lucy cat before she dies.

"Hey Gray, when should we come back to the guild and make the announcement to everyone?" Lucy asked.

"How about tomorrow? We can travel back to Magnolia and then tomorrow we make the announcement." Gray said.

"That is a good idea." Lucy said.

"Yea mom." Naomi said.

"Ok. Then it is all set." Gray said.

On the next day....

"Let's go guys." Gray said.

They all when to the guild with Naomi and Luna right behind them while going to the master without them noticing. Then they are at the master door.

"Master, can we come in? This is Lucy and Gray, we also have companies." Lucy asked.

"Come in Lucy and Gray." Master said.

They all came in the room to get their guild mark and make the announcement.

"Hey Lucy, Gray! I miss you guys. How are you and who are they?" Master asked.

"We are good and they are Naomi and Luna my cat." Lucy said.

"Naomi is our child too." Gray said.

"They are so cute. So did you guys want to join back to the guild?" Master said.

"Yes please." Lucy said.

"Ok. Then my children, where do you want your guild mark and what color?" Master asked.

"I want purple on my back Master." Luna said.

"Ok Luna." Master said.

The master puts the guild mark on Luna.

"On the same spot and the same color Master." Gray said.

"Ok Gray." Master said.

He then puts it on Gray.

"On my stomach and blue Master." Lucy said.

"Ok Lucy." Master said.

He puts it for Lucy.

"I want it in my shoulder and pink please." Naomi said.

"Ok Naomi." Master said.

He finally puts Naomi.

"Thank you Master." Gray said.

"No problem Gray." Master said.

"Can we ask you one more then Master?" Lucy asked.

"Sure then Lucy?" Master asked.

"Can you make an announcement to the guild that we are back and we have two guests with us today?" Lucy asked.

"Ok Lucy." Master said.

"Thanks." Gray said.

The master then got everyone attention by yelling at them. Once everyone was paying attention to him......

"I have an announcement and that announcement is that Gray and Lucy came back to this guild and they have two special guests with them. Come Lucy, Gray!" Master said.

All four of them went were the Master us and then everyone noticed the Lucy cat and a kid.

"Hey everyone. This is Luna my cat and Naomi, our child." Lucy said.

Everyone was shocked about this.

And then.....

They all cheered.

"Hey you guys we miss you guys and hi Luna, Naomi." Everyone said.

"One more thing, Naomi have magic." Lucy said.

Everyone am was shocked then wonder what is her magic.

"Show them honey." Gray said.

"Ice make bow!" Luna said.

Then Luna shoot the arrow at the celling. Everyone then was happy that she was ice maker magic just like Gray.

"She also have another magic. And they are god slayer magic and a dragon slayer magic of all kinds." Lucy said.

They were all happy and were surprised about all of this mostly because they came back to the guild after a year. Then they all went to everyone downstairs and spend their time together again. And they lived happily together as a huge family when they got to might Luna and Naomi.

This is the end of the end of the story and if you guys got confused, Gray left the guild right when he was Lucy's girlfriend. Bye guys.

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