19. V - Shots

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Despite our little make-out session in Madam Puddifoot's shop, Sirius and I didn't kiss again or even talk about what happened. Lily, obviously, knew and I knew the three boys probably knew as well. Nothing changed from before Valentine's Day to now and I don't know whether to be thankful or upset. Obviously I like him, but it seems as though he doesn't like me, regardless of what Lily told me about his changed player behaviour.

As the weeks progressed, the Marauders started to get ready for their monthly trip to the Shrieking Shack— my job was to distract Lily enough so she would stop getting suspicious of their whereabouts and how they always sneak about. I was officially an unofficial Marauder (apparently I don't get the official title because I'm a girl and can't turn into an Animagus, not that I mind).

Pulling out the Map, I watched as the Marauders made their way safely out of the castle and to the Whomping Willow. I was about to close the Map when I saw Severus's name on the main floor, near the library. It was after curfew and there was no reason as to why he'd be wandering the halls.

Thinking of the worse, I quickly cast a Disillusion Charm over myself and made my way to where I saw Severus's name. In my socks, I ran down the corridor to Severus— I would have put on shoes but socks don't make noise, shoes do. Checking the Map, I was clear of any teachers or sleuthing animals. I took the charm off myself and put the map away.

"Sev?" I asked and illuminated my wand.

He gasped and turned around, he had been looking out the window towards the Forbidden Forest.

"What are you doing here?" he asked quickly.

"I could ask you the same thing," I responded.

Severus narrowed his eyes at me and groaned, "why are you out of your Tower, you could get in trouble?"

"As could you! We should go back to our rooms. It's not very... safe out here, especially near the forest," I warned.

Despite Remus's transforming in the Shrieking Shack, I know he goes into the Dark Forest for the night with the other Animagus boys. The last thing we need, though, is to attract him to this corridor with our smell.

"It's a full moon and there are scary things in there," I pointed my wand to the trees.

"Like werewolves, yeah?" Severus snapped.

"I wouldn't cross them off my list, but possibly," I mumbled awkwardly. This conversation was not going where I wanted it to go, I just wanted him to leave the corridor and not get hurt.

"Do you know?" he asked me.

"Know what?" I gulped.

"About your friend? That Lupin kid," Sev upturned his nose in disgust.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, "but I want to go. Let's go. I wanted to go to the library but found you instead."

"You're out here protecting him, aren't you?"

"Protecting— Sev what are you going on about? Lupin is back at Gryffindor Tower, I just saw—"

"Don't lie to me, Pyrites!" Severus raised his voice and it slightly echoed.

"Don't shout," I whispered harshly, "you're going to get us into trouble!"

"Well, you ought to know, even if you want to lie," he narrowed his eyes at me. "The lot of them— They sneak out at night, they have been for the last three years. There's something weird about that Lupin and I think you know."

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," I said as firmly as I could. "I've been told, by my friends, that he's ill—"

"Not you too!" Sev huffed. "You mean to tell me he's ill every month at the full moon?"

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