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"Get up! Get up! Get UPP!" My father shouts as he barge into my room scaring the daylight out of me with the way he quickly opens the door. "BAM!" Hitting the wall, which will surely be dented with such obnoxious force. I jump out of bed only to be attacked with bright lights going on and off as he flickers it back and forth like something fascinating my little brother has taught him during the not so long summer break. "Stop." I whisper before plunging back into my warm covers. "If you don't get up this instant, then, I have no choice but to return your Honda Fit Chris Hemsworth." He said seriously before closing my door shut. I don't pay no mind because he's only joking. "Five more minute." I doze off with the warmth of my cover.

"Where's Chloe?" Mrs. Park questioned her husband when he walks towards the kitchen. "She's still sleeping. Let her sleep." Mr. Park waved it off, as he dive into eating freshly made fried eggs pancake. But Mrs. Park wasn't going to accept it. Without missing a beat Mrs. Park slapped Mr. Park's hand like it was a volleyball she had successfully spiked. "Don't touch." She stares deadly at him as a warning she wasn't going to accept his weak heart of letting their eldest daughter win anymore. "Go wake her up. Now!" She said as she points toward Chloe's door. Mr. Park goes for a second attempt and like his strong fearless wife concluded he did have a weak heart when it came to their children. He peaks inside and hears the soft snore emitting from Chloe. "Chloe. Chloe." Mr. Park whispers. Not satisfied with the outcome of her husband, Mrs. Park shouts. "Get the keys we're returning it. Now!" Mrs. Park demands. This will get her, Mrs. Park thought as she grabs her wallet and point at her husband to go back to Chloe's room for the keys.

"Oh, honey." Mr. Park froze in complete shock as he calls his wife. Not believing his wife would do as he jokingly suggest. "You want to die." Mrs. Park said as she brought her right fist up and thumb goes from left to right. "We get her a car and she don't listen. No, hurry!" She push forward. Panic rises in Mr. Park's orbs. Breathing heavily he ran and in the process running into Jae. "Oh. Jay. Jay-ahh, move." He said quickly trying to reach Chloe's room before his wife could leave to her car. "CHLOE-AHH! Get up!" He once again yell. "Mom, she going to return Chris Hemsworth." He said before bursting into her door. "Mom's not joking." He rambles. But Chloe still in a daze. Not able to have the heart to wake her up, Mr. Park pulls his sleeve up and decides he needs to act like a man and tell his wife that it was not acceptable to do such crude thing to their first child. "Darling! We not returning." He declares as he tries to stand toe-to-toe with his first lover. "What?" Mrs. Park questions. "You want to challenge me." She barks back without backing down. Mr. Park stutters as he tries to win this fight for their daughter. "Y-yea." He said weakling.

Not having it Mrs. Park nods her head then set her wallet and keys down. "We, no you, you let her have whatever she wants and now getting her up from bed is too hard for you and her?" She questioned and Mr. Park can only smile awkwardly and scratch the back of his head, she got him. "OK! We return! " He finalized. "Chloe, key! Key, key-ah!" He shouts.

Jay, not accepting the outcome of any of this decides to pick up his tarantula and walks to Chloe's room. With an evil smirk he place his tarantula, Hairy Styles onto Chloe's face as it starts to roam. And on the count to three, "One, two, breathe, three." He sigh. "Chloe Hairy Styles is gone!" He yells adding more chaos into the mix of her parents arguing. "CHLOE! have you seen Hairy Styles?" Jae questions as be barge into her room. "Mmm, Harry Styles is cute." I said as a rolled over slowly prying my eyes open. "She don't even need her car. We return." I hear my mom said. "No, Chris Hemsworth stay!" This time my dad. "No, you don't listen to me but your daughter. She'll be lazy like you. We going, now." The horror written on my face as I learn mom was going to return Chris, no. But have to deal with Jay. "What are you doing here?" I questioned Jay, but he's smiling gleefully back at me with his nerdy glasses. "I don't know where Hairy Styles went." I stared deeply into his orbs as I knew he was up to no good when Mom and Dad decided he can have his first pet and decided on a freaking tarantula! How! Only to make matters worse he named it after Harry Styles because I adored him, but to Jae's it made sense to come him Hairy as he was hairy to beginning with. That little. I balled up my fist but decided to let go when Chris's name came up again.

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