07 → emma the helicopter mom

Start from the beginning

"It's better" Emma replied, as the light turned green and Lydia pressed the gas pedal. Her wound began to heal like Mrs. McCall and her father said it would. She also managed to keep her mouth shut like Mrs. McCall also told her to. Emma only talked when it was absolutely necessary, like when she needed to say 'please' and 'thank you'. "It's going to scar though."

"Mine didn't, the doctors told me it would, but it didn't," Lydia said, Emma, furrowed her eyebrows. She sat up straight in her seat, looking over at Lydia.

"The same thing happened to you?" Emma quizzed.

"Well, I was strangled with a garrote, not a thermo-cut wire," Lydia told her, stealing glances at the freshman who chipped away at her freshly painted nails. "We're survivors Emma. Someone tried to strangle both of us, and we survived. Not only that but also managed to save someone's life in the meantime."

Lydia's words made her feel proud of herself, but the overlying factor in all of this was Scott McCall. If Violet didn't have the obsession of wanting to take out the Alpha, she wouldn't have stopped. If Scott didn't call Emma's name, Violet wouldn't have known he was coming and it would've been too late.

"Scott's the only reason I'm alive" Emma replied bashfully, her fingers went back to the chipping of her nail polish. Lydia was cringing over it, so she reached over and grabbed her wrist to stop her. Emma looked back over at Lydia, who had a smile on her face as she kept her eyes on the road.

"Stiles' dad is the only reason I'm alive," Lydia pointed out. Emma bit her lip; they were in the same boat. If Stiles' dad hadn't shown up, would Lydia still be alive? The only reason she was alive, was because the Darach took him for the next sacrifice, which was guardians. The crazy thing, it only happened at the beginning of this school year. "It doesn't matter – we both survived. You should be proud of that scar on your neck. Because that means that Brett Talbot gets to go back home to his family."

Emma let a proud smile appear on her face, Lydia grabbed hold of Emma's hand giving it a gentle squeeze before she put her hand back on the wheel. "Thank you, Lydia. For putting everything into a new perspective for me" Emma said cheerfully. Lydia smirked proudly, she helped a normally shy and self-conscious freshman, feel a little bit better about herself. Lydia thought it might be best to take Emma under her wing a bit. Emma reminded Lydia of herself, maybe that's why she felt a little drawn to the girl.

Stiles had already admitted to the group on multiple occasions that Emma is his favorite out of the twins, and Lydia found it quite amusing, as did everyone else. Except for Scott, he scolded his best friend. Lydia figured it was partially because Liam punched him, and Emma didn't Also because Emma had made really good cookies, and she had promised to make him a batch whenever he wanted them.

They pulled up to the lake house, Emma's mind kept flashing back to the last time she was here. She had arrived in Stiles' jeep, with Stiles, Lydia, and Malia. This time it was just her and Lydia, no freaking out over Liam believing that he's a werewolf, no full moons, no parties where Brett Talbot shows up. Emma felt relaxed this time because this trip they were only going to try and contact a dead banshee. Still not the most normal activities to do, but she figured that normal high school activities were no longer in her planner.

They both got out of the car, Emma looked around as Lydia grabbed a box from her backseat, "Em, you ready?" Lydia called; she was already halfway to the house as Emma just reminisced Liam's first full moon. Her head shot over to Lydia, her whole demeanor has changed, much like Emma. Maybe once she arrived at the lake house, the reason why they were there beginning to set in.

"Yeah," Emma replied, she jogged over to Lydia. She handed Emma the box as she unlocked the door, once the two girls were inside and the door was closed. Emma's eyes landed on the large min paper with large black words that said 'Meredith Walker destroy all contents if not claimed.' Lydia took the box back into her arms. When Emma woke up that Saturday morning, after the 'party' the house was still covered with red solo cups and chips crumbs. It's spotless at the moment, but she was sure it had to be because Lydia didn't want her mom knowing that she threw a party when they're trying to sell the lake house. "It doesn't even look like there was a party here."

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