Chapter 39

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Calypso's POV:

I wake up cramped up and in incredible pain. I can't see anything and I seem to be in a chest of some sort. I reach down to my side with my left hand but I already know I won't find my lightsabers by my side. I try to sit up and press against the lid of the box and its locked.

I start to hyperventilate, I'm so scared. Tears escape my eyes and I feel like I'm suffocating.

Everything's okay, you're going to be okay.

I remember Anakins encouraging words from so long ago. I was so grateful I did, it helped me feel better and I calm down. I quiet my mind and began to rid it of every worry.

I breathe deeply and calm down. I soon start to hear muffled voices outside of the chest. It sounds like Hugh, who I guess is actually named Gar. I'm trying to listen when the lid of the chest is opened abruptly and I'm yanked out and thrown into the middle of a group of people.

I can't get up, I'm too weak from the stun gun and getting shoved in that small chest.

"Stand her up," A man in Mandalorian armor commands.

So he's the leader I concur. Im trying to gather as much information as I can for when I'm rescued.

Two red suited Mandalorians yank me up and I cry out despite myself when my right arm is grabbed. To my surprise the guard notices how injured I am and releases his tight grip to hold me gentler.

"They tell me you're a jedi," The Mandalorian who had been giving orders addresses me. His voice is distorted through his mask and I can't read his expression which is unsettling. I could gauge from his voice, however, that he was anything but pleased to see me.

I say nothing and he approaches me. I remain stoic although internally I'm terrified of this man. I threw a wrench into his plans, whatever they were in there entirety, to retake Mandalore. He will use me however he can to regain control.

"You don't have the privilege of silence, elf," he seethes and grabs my face hard. "Either you will talk willingly or we will make you talk. Your choice," he says.

He releases me. "Take her to a cell. Ill come by to make her talk later."

The mandalorian to my right stops him before he leaves. "Vizsla, she needs medical attention."

The leader, Vizsla, turns around and punches him, knocking him to the ground.

"Learn your place, Garrick," he says, "We do not cater to our prisoners."

The Mandalorian, Garrick, picks himself back up and him and the other soldier take me towards a fortress carved into a mountain.

My legs aren't working properly and I'm in so much pain I feel dizzy. Halfway there I nearly faint and Garrick throws me over his shoulder and offers to take me alone, knowing I can't fight even if I wanted to. The other soldier nods and walks off and when we're out of sight of the camp he lifts me from his shoulders and into his arms.

I dont understand why he's being so kind but I appreciate it. "Thank you," I whisper to him as we get to my cell and he seems uncomfortable. It's warranted, every part of this situation is a nightmare, but I still appreciate his thoughtfulness.

He says nothing but nods. I collapse onto the floor of my cell and drag myself to the slab of wall jutting out, I assume is to be my bed. Theres a toilet behind a small wall in the corner and a small sink. There's a thin blanket and pillow on the bed. I lay down, cover up and although I had been fighting sleep, it overtakes me.


I'm dragged out of bed by my hair and thrown onto the floor. I scurry backward and hit my back on the edge of my bed and cry out.

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