Chapter 37

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Anakins POV:

I was supposed to leave Naboo the day after Padmé and I got back. However, while Padmé and Clovis were walking a sniper hit him in the shoulder.


I was awoken by screams and I grab my lightsaber, run out into the hallway to see Clovis leaning on Padmé, his left side covered in blood.

"Ani!" Padmé cries and I run to her. I take Clovis from her as guards run up to you.

"Take Senator Amidala to her room. Stay with her until you're called upon." I order and they nod. Padmé cups Clovis' face with her hands.

"You're going to be okay," she says and tears run down her cheeks. He smiles weakly and nods. She turns to you and kisses your cheek. "Take good care of him Ani."

I nod and she walks off. I try to hurry Clovis to the medic wing but he starts to get too weak to stand. I call to a few guards down the hall to assist me. They grab him from me and Clovis turns to me before they take him away. "Thank you Jedi." I nod and walk off to find out as much as I can about the attack.

"What happened?" I question the guards all standing near where I assume Clovis was shot.

"Guards, what happened here?" I demand.

"We were standing guard outside when Senators Clovis and Amidala came into view. They seemed to be in a sort of disagreement and Senator Clovis grabbed Senator Amidala. We approached them to check on Madam Padmé. She reassured us they were fine and the next moment we see Senator Clovis fall forward clutching his arm." A guard relays.

I walked outside to the spot Clovis got shot, a pool of blood on the ground. "Which direction was he facing?" I ask and study the rooftops all around the courtyard.

I see the guards look at one another puzzled. "Sir?" He asks.

"You say he fell forward when he was shot. That would mean whichever direction he was facing he got shot from behind, yes?" I ask.

"Oh, of course sir, our apologies. He was facing away from us when he was shot, towards the other side of the courtyard." He says.

I go to the edge of the courtyard and jump with the assistance of the force. Im on the roof and I try to look for any clues that might show me who was here. There's nothing.

I spent the rest of the night scaling the rooftops, questioning the guards but the assassin appeared to have vanished at least for the night. I go check on Clovis who will be fine. He's lost the mobility in his left arm from his shoulder but otherwise he should be okay. I decide to go check on Padmé as well.

Once I announce myself and am welcomed in Padmé rushes to me. "Ani," she says and runs into my arms and I hug her tight, she's shaking. Her hair is wet, I pressume from a bath, she had gotten quite a bit of Clovis' blood on her.

"Are you aright?" I say and pull away from her, holding her shoulders.

She sniffles and wipes at her nose. "How is Rush?" She asks, avoiding my question.

"He'll be fine, the bullet damaged his shoulder and so his mobility on his left side is limited. But otherwise, it will just take some time for him to become adjusted." I say, being as honest as possible. Padmé is not someone who appreciates having things sugar coated for her.

"And the person who shot him?" She says and sits on her couch, wrapping her robe around her tightly.

"We cant be sure it was a person." I say and she looks at me oddly, so I elaborate. "I mean to say there are such things as assassin droids. We cant be sure."

Duel of the fatesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें