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C H A P T E R 5

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C H A P T E R 5


5:50 AM

My bloodshot eyes fixated on the big red numbers on the alarm clock that sat on top of my desk beside me.

I haven't slept a wink since I've read the message last night, listening attentively for any sounds downstairs aside from mother's rocking chair and her fan.

I had to. Hyuntae might come in any moment and he'll steal mother away in a blink of an eye.

Even if he did, what are you going to do about it?

Kill him.


"Annoying alarm clock," I tsked as I finally snapped out of my thoughts and prepared myself to get out of bed and get ready for school.


"Mother, I'll be going off now. Don't worry, I'll go straight home after school," I bid goodbye from the front door, the usual creaking of her rocking chair was the only reply I received before closing the door and locking it.

Finally outside, I looked at my surroundings, taking note if there were any little changes around the house. Nothing but a daily routine. I had to make sure that mother was safe. I'm responsible for her. Not Hyuntae, not anyone else.

"[F/n], I'll be going to the army soon. I don't know when I will be back."

"Oppa, aren't you only going to be gone for 2 years?"

"No. I want to continue serving. Take care of mother in my absence."

When the day came where he had to leave he didn't turn back. He didn't turn back to look at me, he didn't say anything else and kept walking further and further away. He didn't turn back even when I shouted his name, asking him to come back, telling him that I can't do it alone. He just kept walking.

That's right. I'm the one who's responsible for mother. Hyuntae gave her to me. He has no rights to take her away from me. He can't just come in out of nowhere after 3 years and change everything I've worked hard for.

"Fuck! Look at where you're going bitch!"

I snapped out of my thoughts as I collided with a body. Muttering a quick apology, I ducked my head down and scrambled to go inside and made my way to class.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise I've reached school.


"That's all for today. Remember about your year end project, it's the most important piece you're going to do to determine if you could graduate or not." Mr Oh's eyes lingered on me.

"I suggest that you all start planning it now and choose your partners wisely." He ended with a snap of his book.

Half of the class starts to get up and gather around him, asking for more information while the other half was starting to search for their partners.

I stayed unmoving in my seat. I already knew what to do. This wasn't my first time doing the project. I've always done it alone. Nobody would want to partner up with me.

At least I don't have to put up with annoying people.

Just as I was about to pack my things and head home, a hand slammed onto my table, blocking me from going anywhere.

"I guess this is our first ever project together, senior,"

My heart beats faster as I heard the recognisable voice of no other than Oh Sangwoo. Someone I swore I would never have any contact with for the rest of my University years.

My eyes met his closed ones, studying his features, how he looked so innocent with that wide grin of his and raised eyebrows.

He was anything but that.

"Sangwoo, I'm used to doing this project alone," I started, taking notice of how his shoulders starts tensing up just the slightest.

"I think it's better if— if you'd find someone else to do it with..." My voice wavered, seeing how his grin dropped and eyes opened, giving me a hard stare.

"I think we'll make a great team. Who knows, maybe you can finally graduate!" He exclaimed the last part loudly making the other students around us erupt in a fit of laughters.

He's making fun of me.

I looked around and saw that everyone was looking at us with the exception of Mr Oh and some students who was still discussing about the project, seemingly oblivious to what's happening.

I looked back at the tall looming figure in front of me, noticing how his eyes became ever harder, if that was even possible. I felt like I'd suffocate from his stare alone.

He won't leave you alone until you agree.

"I— I guess we can try being partners this time," I mumbled out, hoping that he'd let me leave already.

As if a switch has been flipped, his entire demeanour changed. His shoulders relaxed and he put back on his close eyed grin and finally put his hand off my table.

"Great! We can go to my house to discuss more about it," with that he was out of my sight, going back to his groups of friends and acted as if nothing happened.

Ignoring the stares of my classmates, I hurriedly went out of class, walking wherever my legs take me, anywhere far away from everyone.

"Everyone should just go die."


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yay long chapter! :D

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