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may 1

May eve, mayday

Beltane is the celebration of the god who is now a man and desires the goddess, they marry, come together, and the goddess becomes pregnant. (known as the greenwood marriage) This day is most celebrated from the maypole, a phallic symbol, and all spring flowers, the essence of womanhood. It is a time of fertility, sexuality, and life



The maypole is such a fun way to get everyone outside and active and excited about spring. It is a symbol of fertility and sexuality, as the pole represents the penis, and the ribbons and wreath that wrap around the pole represent the vagina. It is danced around with each dancer holding a ribbon in there hand, connected to the top of the pole. They weave in and out around each other, and as the ribbon weaves together down the pole the flower wreath held up by the ribbon slowly descends until they reach the bottom and the pole is covered in ribbon. The ribbon is then fastened to the bottom of the pole and wreath.

Lavender wands are especially fun for children but are also beautiful. It like the maypole is made by weaving ribbon, but around lavender stalks in such a way that they create little wands.

floral crown,

Flower crowns are also bright and festive full of color and ribbons. You can go out and harvest an array of beautiful flowers and braid them together to make a crown, and then add some ribbon in the back to flow with your hair.


Handfasting is a ritual marriage between two lovers,  it can be done anytime, but is most common during Beltane because this is the time the god and goddess marry. See page.    For a guide on a handfasting ritual

Fire festival bonfire (Beltane fire) burn 9 of the sacred woods

Enjoy the sun

This time is definitely the best time to get outside and celebrate life, for the sun will be at its peak soon, and then to come will be the harvest.


Maypole, lavender wants, anything and everything floral, green cloth,


Greenlight blue orange pink purple red white yellow


Cow, goat, swan, bees, sheep, snakes, dove, butterflies, hummingbird, frogs, rabbit,




Emerald, malachite, sapphire,  rose quartz, amber, opal, jasper.... Beril garnet, pink tourmaline, sunstone


Almond, ash, cinquefoil, frankincense, marigold, meadowsweet, woodruff, rose, bluebell, daisy, ivy,....elder, firn, hawthorn, birch, rowan, thistle, daffodil, dogwood, coriander, nettle, flaxseed, marjoram, mushroom, tansy, elder oak, willow, cedar, yew, blackthorn, hemlock, mugwort, primrose, gorse, dandelion,


Lilac, sandalwood..... frankincense, musk, honeysuckle, rose, peach, vanilla


Frankincense,  lavender, jasmine, rose, sandalwood, ...vanilla


Bread, cakes, oatmeal cakes, honey, leafy salads, vegetables, fruits, strawberry, shellfish, .... Honey cakes, oats, berries, beats,


Ale, iced tea, lemonade, mead, milk with honey, floral or herbal, or fruity wines

Ale, iced tea, lemonade, mead, milk with honey, floral or herbal, or fruity wines

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