"Ya apart of this group. And I don't think you can fuck up enough for anything serious to happen" I nod
"Thanks Daryl. You always open my eyes some how" I mumble the last bit.
"Wouldn't have to if you weren't so blind" he chuckles. I snort.
"Cya later" I say waving and notice lucky following me.
"Good girl" i whisper patting her head.

"Well you've certainly personalised this" Glenn chuckles moving my ripped curtain.
"Yeah got bored" I laugh on my bed.
"Seems like lucky likes it" he says nodding to the dog head on my chest.
"Yeah she was hiding out with daryl all morning and now she can't get enough of me" I say making Glenn laugh.
"You and Daryl seem close"
"He's a good guy. Closed off like I was" I say blushing a bit.
"Well once your done blushing come get dinner. Carol says it's almost ready" he says walking away.
"HAHA" I shout sarcastically after him.

"Hey" I announce finally walking down.
"Hey, I was scared id have to send someone else to fetch you" carol chuckles.
"Funny" I say shooting Glenn a look.
"Can't blame him for your feelings" she whispers.
"Yeah but I can blame him for telling you" I whisper back and watch carol burst out laughing.
"Glenn come here!" I shout making him jump out his skin before approaching me.
"Don't tell anyone else about earlier!" I say grabbing his collar.
"I've already told carol though" I nod.
"And Maggie"
"Are you serious?!" I whisper yell.
"Don't worry I'll go tell her not to tell anyone"
"Fine" I whisper finally releasing him.

"I'm gonna head to bed now" I squeak out between the groups laughs.
They didn't hear me I think to myself smiling.
Standing up from the cafeteria table I start to make my way to bed before I'm stopped.
"Where ya going?" Says the voice behind the Ruff hand on my arm.
"Just gonna go to bed. Wanna make sure I get up early I case you guys decide not to wake me again" I laugh while the hand retracts.
"Alright night"
"Night Daryl" I say continuing my journey.

I wake up feeling fresh and prepared for the day. I manage to get up and grab my bow before making my way out my room and into the main area to wait for someone with keys to let me out.
"Morning sunshine" scared the crap out of me from inside the cafeteria.
"Jesus Daryl, trying to give me an heart attack?" I whisper though the gate. He snorts.
"Maybe ya should be more on guard" he states.
"I think I'm doing okay considering the rest are asleep" I say glancing towards the random snores.

"How could ya sleep with that noise?" He questions.
"I was asleep before them... can you let me out?" I ask sweetly.
"Whatever" he grunts while grabbing his keys.
"Thanks" I whisper making my way though the gate.
"Why'd you even wanna be in here?" He questions locking the door again.
"I don't know really" I say rubbing my hand over my face. He snorts walking past me.
"I think I'll go on a walk" I say making my way to the cell block door.

"Gonna need the keys for that door" Daryl shouts from his perch.
"Can you chuck them?"
"Alright" I mumble walking over to him.

"Can you pass them to me?" I ask looking at them in his jacket.
"Nah" he says looking over his perch.
"And why not?"I ask folding my arms.
"Because I said so" he says smirking as he mimickes my arm fold.
"Fine" I say pretending to look defeated.
"Why'd you wanna go out anyway?"
"I need to think" I say launching at him and grabbing the keys.

Giggling I run over to the door and have it unlocked before he could catch me.
Running though the yard I get to the gate and begin climbing as a hand catches me and drags me down to them.
"Ain't so slow after all" I giggle to the grumpy Daryl behind me.
"Ain't so fast after all" he taunts as he throws me over his shoulder.
"Now this is just mean" I mumble into his back. He chuckles and walks into the cell block before locking the door with me still hooked over him.

Maggie squeals throws us all into high alert till we realise she jump cause of Glenn.
We're currently in the tombs clearing out walkers. I haven't killed many mainly because theirs not a lot the kill but other wise because Daryl was acting like a bodyguard.
But considering the only light source we had was from touches we found I didn't mind him acting like this.
Swiftly we turn another corner and I watch Glenn draw on an arrow to point us back to cell block c.
Second later we are past another corner and Glenn dose the same arrow next to the two paths as rick and Daryl check if they are clear.

"Go back!" Rick and Daryl whisper yelled to us as we round the next corner and come face to face with at least 2 dozen walkers.
Not even a second later we're running back checking our arrows to make sure of our direction.
With my two knives in hand I stand guard a bit to the back to make sure non catches up despite the high chance they won't.
Maggie squeals as I watch Glenn pull her back from a group cutting us off from our trail home.
We race after Daryl as I watch Glenn pull Maggie into a cuboard as were cut off by another group.

"We lost Glenn and Maggie" Rick announces quietly in our cuboard we found.
"We have to go back" hershel whispers back and I nod in agreement.
"Which way?" Daryl asks pointing his touch down.
Without answering Rick opens the door and we begin to move out.

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