Recovering One

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Epsilon enters the giant hole Grif and Slade made with the jeep in the canyon wall.

Epsilon: Whoa. Guess they came this way. Hm h-hm hm hm hm hmm.


Back with Simmons and Doc.

Simmons: Okay, now's our chance Doc, hit him with an overcharge. It should overload at least one of his systems.

Doc: Um, you do it.

Simmons: What- me? I don't even know how to fire that thing.

Doc: Just pull the trigger and let go, it's super easy.

Simmons: No no no, you're trained with it, you should do it. Go.

Doc: What if I miss? What if it doesn't do anything but make him mad? I already made it mad once and that didn't really work out very well.

Simmons: Whuga-what- well then just, we'll improvise.

Doc: Yeah I don't feel entirely comfortable with that answer.

The fusion coils blow up in the distance.

Doc: What the heck was that?

Simmons: Uh oh, I have a bad feeling that someone just caused him trouble.

The Meta turns and sees Doc charging the overcharge with his scanner.

Doc: Yeuu!

Simmons: Oh no, improvise, improvise!

As the Meta charges towards them, Doc raises his scanner and pulls the trigger. Suddenly a blast of green energy shoots out from the scanner and hits the Meta square on the chest, sending him and his brute shot flying backwards against the wall. With an angry growl, the Meta gets to his feet, his armor sparking with green electricity, and charges at Doc again. The Meta slows down almost to nothing. Kan climbs up and sees the display.

Doc: Am I dead? Am I dead?

Simmons: Doc, you did it!

Doc: He's frozen.

Simmons: No, it looks like you overloaded his time distortion unit. You must have caused some kind of inversion. Instead of making everything else slow, it made him slow.

Doc: Huh huh, yeah! Score one for the pacifist. How you like me now, Meta?

Kan: A valiant display.

Simmons: Kan! You're here!

South groans in pain, gaining their attention. Kan kneels down to her and feels her head.

Kan: What happened to her?

Simmons: Wash shot her.

Kan: My Leader will be most enraged when he learns of this. I will take her to the exit and await for the rest of you by the Prowler.

Simmons nods as he watches Kan carefully pick up South and jump through the grav-lift. He turns and sees Doc waving his hand in front of the still slow-moving Freelancer.

Simmons: Um, Doc? I wouldn't get too close to him if I were you.

Doc: Why, what's he gonna do? Beat me up over the course of the next two weeks?

Simmons: Well, technically he's not actually moving slower, he's moving at the same speed just over a longer period of time.

Doc: Huh?

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