My House, From Here

Start from the beginning

Caboose is screaming from above as he descends towards the ground. Slade sees him and taps Kan to look up.

Slade: (fake American accent) Called it.

Caboose then hits the ground, hard.

Kan: (ignoring Caboose's crash) Why do you speak with such a-

Slade slaps his hand over Kan's mouth.

Slade: (in his normal voice, whispering) Later, mate. When the guy in the brown armor ain't here. He's not who he seems, so keep your eyes peeled and ears to the ground.

Kan: (nodding, quietly) Understood.

Caboose stands up, as if nothing happened.

Caboose: Wow. Now that was a big explosion.

Grif: Blue guy's back.

Caboose: (runs around to the Reds) I was really high. Did anyone get a picture?

Sarge: And now you brought him back. And Grif's still here! I hate to criticize, but you could've had him land on Grif and squash him! That would've been easy! Just a note; you can take it or leave it, like I said it's not really in my place to criticize. (stops bowing head) Okay, the end, amen.

Intercom Guy: ... What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Sarge: Whoa. Now who are you?

Intercom Guy: Who am I? Who are you? I'm supposed to be here. You guys are accessing an area on lockdown.

Sarge: Lockdown?

Intercom Guy: This is a restricted dig site, what are you doing here?

Caboose: Oh, uh, we were just looking for, uh...

Sarge: Oh, we're just passing through on the way to meet up with the rest of our squad.

A Mongoose approaches the group.

Intercom Guy: Oh, great. Stay here. Don't move. Don't touch anything. (runs off)

Grif: Why didn't you ask about Tucker?

Sarge: We don't know anything about these guys! What if they're the ones causing trouble for Tucker? We don't know if we can trust them yet.

Caboose: Oh right! Because normally you guys are the ones who cause trouble for Tucker.

Sarge: Right. That's our job.

Slade: You're right in not trusting them, Sarge. I know who that bastard is. He's the former leader of the Resistance, calls himself 'Headcase'.


Grif: 'Headcase'? More like 'Mentalcase' if he's calling himself something THAT stupid.

Sarge: Resistance? Resistance of what?

Slade: A group of renegade soldiers that fought against Project Freelancer. And that armor he's wearing is the armor of one my former squad-mates: Connecticut or C.T. for short. She was always vague and shady because she was secretly working with them.

Grif: And we needed to know this... why?

Slade: Because I'm the one that killed C.T.. And you all saw how he had a robot arm? I ripped off his real one when he and C.T. fought me at their base. And if he finds out who I really am, he'll kill all of us, starting with me.

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