"Are you sure, honey?"

I nodded and smiled at mum. I know she's just worried. But I really need to know why Hunter said what he said.

"I'll go get him," said Elias.

After a minute, Hunter walked in with Elias right behind him. To say that he looked exhausted would be an understatement. But despite that, he still looks so handsome. How is that even possible?

"Hey." He said sitting beside my bed on the opposite side of my mum who was currently shooting daggers at him.

"Hey," I replied with a little smile.

Just as I was about to ask him how he was doing, my hospital room door opened revealing Emily and.....Mr. Bennett.

"Hello. Sorry for the interruption but we are here to do a follow-up. It will only take a while." Mr. Bennett said to my mum and Elias.

"What are you guys doing here? Together?" I asked confused.

"We're the ones who found out that you two were stuck in the library. I installed a security system at the front desk and my office last year ever since some students thought it would be funny to spray paint my cupboards. It was dark times, I know. But now it seems to have come in handy because I received a security alert in my phone the moment you guys opened my cupboards. Therefore, the rescue mission." Emily explained.

Thank you students who decided to mess around with Emily's desk. Thank you.

"Wait. How could you have found out about our lock-in together?" I asked confused.

"Because we live together." Mr. Bennett said nonchalantly.

"Say what now?"

"We're married, dear." Emily smiled.

The whole room fell into a pregnant pause before I broke into a fit of laughter. "Gosh, you're funny. You almost got me." I said in between cackles.

The sound of a throat-clear is what caused me to shift my gaze back to Emily and Mr. Bennett. That was the moment my laughter died slowly because I started to realize that there was nothing hilarious about this current situation.

"Oh, you're serious," I asked shocked at these two's sudden reveal of their shared private life. "Oh my God! Since when are you guys married?"

"Since a long time ago. We just keep it lowkey at school."

"Well, you guys do an excellent job at that." I smiled. "Anyways, thank you for rescuing us."

"No, no. Don't thank me. It's my fault that you guys got locked in. I didn't do a thorough check and just left, leaving you guys there. I'm really sorry." said Emily.

"No, Emily. It's our fault too. We should've checked the time and left the library before closing. You can't take the blame." said Hunter.

"Well, as part of the school, we're still very sorry to all of you for what happened. We will make sure something like this will never take place again," said Mr. Bennett. "Ms. Hawkins, may we have a word with you and your partner outside?"

"Sure. I'll see you in a bit, Hera." said mum and stepped outside along with the rest of the adults.

"Emily and Mr. Bennett. Who knew?" I asked.

"Not me. I'm as shocked as you are," said Hunter chuckling.

"Are you okay? You look really tired." I said honestly.

"Yeah. Just need some sleep in me. How about you? You okay?"

"Better than you, that's for sure." I teased to which he laughed.

Beautiful Nightmare (The Beautiful #1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now