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Turning off the light in the studio, Jiho smiles alone. Haknyeon notices the bitter smile that the girl portrays. "You've done well. Nothing to regret." He whispers.

Jiho nods while looking at her critically cracked phone screen. "I wonder how is Changmin's condition." She asks Haknyeon while getting down the stairs together.

"Do you want me to call him? I still has his number." Haknyeon suggests.

Jiho gives a small nod as Haknyeon opens his speaker to let Jiho listen to their conversation. A long wait finally the call is being connected. Changmin answers with such a grumpy sound, "ouh.. What's wrong Haknyeon?"

"Hyung, I'm worried. Can I visit you?" Haknyeon said right away which shocks Jiho a bit. She isn't ready to meet him yet.

"I'm at the Hangsang Hospital. I have to lay down now but I'll be discharged soon." Changmin answers.

Haknyeon and Jiho arrived at the hospital half an hour after they ended the call with Changmin. Jiho bought some tteobukki for him as she knows how much he likes that food. Haknyeon waits outside of the hospital as Jiho enters to take a look at her friend.

From afar, Jiho could see Changmin is getting some advice from the doctor. She slowly approaches her friend. Changmin can't stop staring at her with mixed feelings. The doctor saw Jiho and quickly tells her, "You must be his guardian. Well, he can discharge now. Just he needs to rest more and avoid moves too frequently."

Changmin gets up with the crutches also with helps of Jiho. Jiho can't stop looking at him. "Why you keep on looking at me?" Changmin asks.

"I think you're still mad at me-"

"I'm not.. And I'm sorry about before. I'm too harsh on you and I don't protect you as how I should as a friend." Changmin speaks up. "Are you alone?"

"I'm here, hyung." Haknyeon suddenly pops up in front of them with a smile. Both Changmin and Jiho are shocked but they laugh together, thinking its funny.


They finally reached Changmin's house that he shared with his others friends — Sunwoo and New. His housemates are shocked to see him being injured. Jiho and Haknyeon bow at them although they know each other quite well.

".. I bought tteokbukki for him." Jiho tells New as Sunwoo is helping Changmin to get into the house.

"Thanks. But- Could you please stay here? I have an appointment to go and Sunwoo has some works to do." New explains to the girl.

"I don't think..." Jiho stutters.

Haknyeon excitedly answers while clinging on Jiho's shoulder. "We can stay here for Changmin hyung."

As both New and Sunwoo left, Changmin opens the tteokbukki bowl lid taking a bite of the fishcake. Haknyeon keeps on looking at him, deep inside he is hungry but he couldn't say much as it is inappropriate to take sick people's food. Jiho notices Haknyeon drooling over the food.

"Are you hungry, Hak? Do you want me to cook something?" Jiho suggests.

The boy just nods eagerly. As Jiho gets up from the sofa, Changmin stops her with his words. "How about we order chicken? Chicken with tteokbukki feels much more better." He smiles after a long time he has been fighting with her today.

Jiho agrees, deciding to call the chicken delivery to order their chicken. While waiting, Haknyeon suddenly asks about Jiho's ex, "noona, I haven't seen Jaehyun hyung for a while. I miss him a lot too."

Jiho looks at Changmin, hoping he would help her to explain to the younger boy. "They have broke up because he is a trainee now."

"I'm sorry.. I don't know. I shouldn't ask." Haknyeon looks at Jiho with a mixed feeling.

"I already move on. Don't worry~" Jiho smiles purely, poking the boy's cheek.

The doorbell rings. The chicken is here. Haknyeon quickly runs to the door to take the chicken with an undeniably happy face. Both Changmin and Jiho stare at him while laughing. He already opens the box and takes a drumstick instead of putting it on the table.

"Sorry.. I'm too hungry." Haknyeon chuckles, mouthful with chicken.

Changmin opens the box, dividing the chickens equally. He separates the part that Jiho loves on the plate. As Haknyeon wants to take it, Changmin hits his hand with the chopsticks. The younger boy whines in pain but then realizes why Changmin did so.

"Noona! Let's eat together." Haknyeon clings on Jiho who is busy looking at her phone seriously. She quickly turns off her phone, approaching the chicken.

"Did you continue practicing when I was at the hospital before?" Changmin asks out of curiosity.

Jiho stops munching as she exchanges gaze with Haknyeon. The boy answers for her instead, "we have a discussion... And at that time, Yubin and Juyeon started their first day as couple."

"Bae Yubin? How dare she is being much more selfish than I am? She humiliated you in front of the others and now she easily won over Juyeon?" Changmin throws his disappointment on what happened.

Jiho smiles bitterly to console herself. "It's okay.. If that's what she wants. I hate to fight today." She puts down her chopsticks, looking at the clock — 9PM. She should head home now, her cats need her.

Taking the jacket from the sofa, both Haknyeon and Changmin look at her confusedly. "Where are you heading too?" They both asked at the same time.

"Heading back home.. I need to take care of my beloved babies." Jiho smiles.

"It's late and it's dangerous. Just stay with me. We have enough room for girl." Changmin pleads, worried.

"Haknyeon can take care of you. He is really a healer. I should head home now. I'll visit you tomorrow." Jiho walks to the front door, totally ignoring the boys' words.

Walking alone on the streets at night makes her feel mellow. She takes out her airpod, busy wearing them till she bumps onto someone. She freezes. It's not someone who she expects to see now — Lee Juyeon and Yubin. The kissing scene automatically plays in her mind.

Let's ignore them and head home. They are nothing to care about. Tori is much more important. She consoles herself.

Love Whisperer || Lee JuyeonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora