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Jiho gets back into the studio with Juyeon behind her. She takes a deep breath as everyone is looking at her. Juyeon suddenly turns on the music which makes everyone shocked, including Jiho. "Jiho, let's practice. You said you want to be a solo artist, right? We can show the world now." He said while glaring at Changmin who is looking at both Juyeon and Jiho with such a mysterious gaze.

Jiho nods and starts to follow Juyeon's steps one by one. With time, finally she succeed to dance the formation correctly. Hyunjae and Jacob who are busy watching the couple applauded with a loud cheer.

"Our Jiho is back! You slay! Your synchronization with Juyeon is wah.. unbelievable." Hyunjae thumbs up to the girl who is panting, tired.

"Let's practice together then. To see how great Jiho is." A voice that attracts everyone to turn around to face their dance trainer, Teacher Park. "Everyone gets into formation but.. where is Yubin?"

"She has a problem. She can't come for today's practice." Changmin answers instead of others. "Maybe we can just let her part-"

"It's okay. I believe Jiho can makes it looks fine." The teacher speaks up.


Changmin stops when Teacher Park signals him to get into position. He walks to the center of the group, getting ready. He is nervous because he knows that Jiho is still in progress. It is impossible to get such a beautiful stage.

The moment the music stops, everyone monitors their performance with the recorded video. "It is beautiful enough but I can see Changmin did a lot of errors. Why you're blaming Jiho when you're the one who is having problems?" Juyeon asks in spicery.

Changmin wants to talk back but luckily Teacher Park stops them from continue chitchatting. "I'm hungry. Because mostly of you guys dance beautifully, I'll treat you guys barbeque meats." The teacher smiles at all the dancers.

While everyone is busy cheering, Changmin is staring at Juyeon angrily. He clenches his fist strongly. Juyeon seems to notice his friend is being angry with him. He just raises his eyebrows and walks outside with Hyunjae and Jacob.

Jiho is still in the practice room to groom herself. She notices that Changmin is still standing next to the door, like waiting for her. She just shrugs it off but it does bother her as the boy still stands there. "Just go first. I can go by myself later. I want to wait for Yubin-" she stops talking as she is just hallucinating. "I should stop thinking of him. He hurts me enough today." She whispers to herself.


Jiho enters the barbeque restaurant where the others' are already there. She saw only a spot left, between Juyeon and Changmin. She walks towards them but dragging the chair next to Jacob. All of her friends are looking at her, confused.

"There's a spot there between Juyeon and-"

"Just let me sit here. I want to become more angelic today. Also, Yubin is on the way here. She can sits there." Jiho stops Jacob from babbling.

"Both you and Changmin are inseparable but why today... Did both of you fought?" Teacher Park asks.

"Yes." Changmin answers, looking at his phone.

The situation becomes awkward. Jiho suddenly asks for the menu recommendation from Teacher Park to break the sudden ice. "What is the best food here, ssaem?"

"Ouh.. everything is delicious here. Just order everything you want. I'm fine to see you guys happy." He answers with a fake laugh.

"Let's get this party set. Since we're big group, we can finish this." Juyeon suggests.

"No. I don't want. It's expensive. If you're the one who pay for it, then I'll eat it." Changmin savagely replies.

Everyone is speechless with that comment. Luckily at that time, Yubin just arrives with such a happy greeting. Jiho smiles as she waved her hands to her. She doesn't want her friend to know what kind of commotion happened.

Yubin takes a seat between Changmin and Juyeon but starts to realize the best friend is separated. "Changmin, did you fight with Jiho? It's weird to see you sit far away from her." She asks the boy who is grumpy reading the menu.

"No. It's just I miss to sit next to Jacob." Jiho lies while chuckling. "How about Yubin chooses our menu? She is used to this place." She suggests.

After 30 minutes making decision without any fights and ordering their food, finally their food arrives. The table is full with food. Everyone is busy taking pictures using their phone including the grumpy Changmin. After taking photos, Jiho reaches for her cutleries to eat the food but she gets scolded by him.

"Don't move! Why don't you ask others if they have finished taking photos or not?!"

Jiho stays silent, softly apologizes. "I'm sorry. I don't realize. I'm just feeling too hungry-"

"You think you're the only one hungry? Others can wait for me to finish taking pictures. But why you can't?!" Changmin starts to judge her.

Jiho turns speechless. She drops her cutlery on the floor on purpose. She bends her head down, holding her tears while biting her lips to avoid weeping noises. Jacob notices that she takes a long time to find her fork and looks for it together with her. He looks shocked to see her crying while holding her fork.

"Did Jiho lost her cutlery in other world? It takes her a long time to dine her food." Hyunjae chuckles.

Jacob returns back to the table with such a mixed feeling face. He doesn't know how to tell the others about Jiho. "What's with that face, Jakie? Something happened?" Yubin asks as she realizes him being nervous.

Juyeon starts to worry as he understands that the girl might cry. He gets up from his seat and goes to Jiho's seat. "You're strong. You can face his words. Don't cry." He whispers to her while wiping her tears.

Yubin looks at Juyeon and Jiho with a jealousy. She acts smiley to others but deep inside she feels jealous. I wish I'm Jiho, she thought.

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