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Jiho gains strength from Juyeon's words. She smiles at him before getting back to eat with others on the table. Juyeon feels glad to see her back to her confidence, sits back to his seat. Teacher Park who saw the whole situation teases them, "What did you guys do? Kinda like a sweet moment there."

Juyeon and Jiho shake their heads while eating the food. Changmin who heard the teasing starts to gaze at Jiho. He actually still feels unsatisfied with the incident this morning. Jiho accidentally meets eyes with him but she lends him a salt instead. "Your face says that the food lacks of salt, right? Put it in your food then." She sarcastically said to him.

Yubin notices the tone that Jiho used and looks at Changmin at the same time. She knows that her friends are fighting. She suddenly butts in, "isn't that too much, Jiho? The meat already tasty enough."

Everyone is looking at those three cluelessly while eating. Jiho finally stops shaking the salt onto Changmin's plate. "A lot of sodium is great for your health." She smiles cunningly.

Her phone rings in such a great timing when she doesn't know how to continue her steps to make Changmin annoyed. She answers the call outside as the restaurant is quite noisy at that time. The cold wind blows makes her shiver a bit as she left her jacket inside but she is trying her best to answer the call without any interruption.

"Hello.." She answers while hugging herself.

"Noona.. I just arrived at Seoul. Where are you?" The sweet voice of a boy makes her surprised.

"Haknyeon.. Why so fast? You told me that you might arrived around this evening." She shrieks.

"I choose different flight. I'm so excited to meet you after a long time." Haknyeon sounds full of excitement while looking around the city. "Are you at the dance studio you used to be? I can go there." He asks.

"We are eating now. Maybe in a quarter hour we will be there. Tell me if you're there." Jiho explains as a smile can't fade off from her face even when she hangs the phone.

Suddenly someone puts a jacket on her. She turns around as her smile changes. It's Changmin that she never expects to do that after their fight. "You'll catch cold with just crop top." The boy comments.

".. What are you doing here?" Jiho asks, still shocked.

"Why you're smiling happily? It's Jaehyun, right? Changmin sounds jealous and it's obvious.

"Haknyeon will visit out studio today. Don't embarrassed me in front of him. I'm tired being embarrassed in front of my friends today. Stop your game please. I'm apologize for what happened this morning." Jiho maturely replies.

"Wah.. He still hasn't know that you've broken up, right? It's dangerous to talk about Jaehyun when we're with him right?" Changmin asks, seems like planning something ahead.

"Think what a best friend of 6 years should do. I'm too tired to remind you every year when we fight." Jiho sighs, heading to the studio alone without waiting for her other friends. She has such a close call to stop the friendship with Changmin if he is still let his jealousy takes over.

Meanwhile, in the restaurant, Yubin is busy joking around with others who remained without knowing that Jiho already left to the studio. Juyeon keeps on turning behind to take a look at Jiho but the sight of her is nowhere to be seen. He couldn't even focus with the stories from Yubin as he messages Jiho a few times.

"What do you think about that Juyeon?" Hyunjae asks Juyeon all of sudden which makes the boy freezes.

"Sorry.. I'm not paying attention. What that you said, Yubin?" Juyeon asks the girl who sat next to her although he doesn't even feel interested to know.

Yubin actually saw Juyeon's phone screen that shows he is massaging Jiho. She decides to shrug it off and shakes her head. ".. Nothing. It's just a small thing. BTW.. Where is Jiho? I only Changmin out there."

"Ouh? You're right. I think her fight with Changmin worsened." Teacher Park butts in.

"I think she maybe went back to studio." Juyeon comments while reading the messages from Jiho.

"Did she tell you?" Yubin asks to get his attention but she got ignored totally when he gets up from his seat to wash his hands.


Arrived at the studio, Haknyeon is waiting patiently outside of the dance room while watching some funny videos. Jiho who just arrives there touched his shoulder which makes him jolted surprised. Both of them laugh watching each other's reactions.

"How long have you been standing there? I'm sorry that I'm late." Jiho asks while unlocking the door with her thumbprint.

"Not so long.. But I'm sorry too if I disturbed your lunch time." He sounds so sorry but Jiho surely calms him down by playing with his hands.

"Show me your travelogue in Jeju. You said you want to show me when you meet me." She asks playfully like she doesn't even feel sad at all today.

Haknyeon takes out his camera and shows his footages to her while explaining his experience there. As usual, Jiho loves to play with Haknyeon's hands because she has that habit when she meets him. They're truly close like siblings.

The door of the room suddenly opens. There stands all of Jiho's friends including Teacher Park. Juyeon who is standing right in front of the door shocked to see the girl he loves holding hands with someone. Yubin saw Juyeon's jealous face, she smiles cunningly in silence.

"Ouh? You guys have back. Well, this is Haknyeon. He once dances with me in street back then." Jiho introduces the petite boy to her friends happily.

Changmin butts in. "Ju Haknyeon. Do you remember me?"

Jiho seems flustered to see Changmin tries to destroy the situation. But luckily Haknyeon just happily nods. "Of course I remember you, Changmin hyung."

Juyeon suddenly steps forward, "I heard you are great at dancing too. How about we do a dance battle here?"

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