What happens at home...

Start from the beginning

"What? Kill myself? Mum did! Why can't I do it?" I shout.

*Flashback: 10 years ago*

I look ahead and see Ryan jogging ahead of me.

"Ryan! Wait up!" I whine. Ryan sighs and stops, turning towards me.

"Hurry up! Mum told us she doesn't like us taking too long getting back from school."

"Shush and hold my hand." I demand. He huffs but comes and holds my hand. As we turn into our garden, something doesn't feel right. Dad's car isn't here, which it usually is. We get inside the house and it is dead quiet. Mum would usually call out and then appear in the doorway of the hallway and we'd run into her arms. But mum doesn't call out or appear in the doorway. I take off my bag and take hold of Ryan's hand again. He smiles softly at me and we walk into the kitchen.

"Mum!" I call out. No response. There are glasses and plates smashed everywhere. Panic rises in my body. I chew the inside of my lip. We open our parents bedroom. No one in there. We move to the lounge room. Empty. We go to the bathroom. We open the door and stand in shock. There, in the bath tub full of water, lies our mother. I run into the lounge room and pick up the phone. I dial 000 and wait for it to ring. A lady answers and asks me what I need. I say ambulance and she puts the call through. A woman's voice answers.

"Hello, Sally Dinkle speaking, how may I assist you?" She asks.

"Uh, hi, I think my mum needs an amboolance..." I say calmly. I hear Ryan crying and water splashing onto the bathroom tiles.

"Okay, sweetie, could you tell me your name and age?" Sally asks.

"My name is Amber Cara Brooks and I am 7 years old."

"Okay Amber, is your mother breathing?"

"I don't think so. She's in the bath, fully clothed."

"Okay, could you tell me your address?"

"74 Balwin Drive." I say.

"Okay honey, we are sending an ambulance over right now. Do you want to stay on the line with me until they come?"

"If it's not too annoying for you." I say politely.

"Not at all sweetie. So is anyone else with you at home right now?"

"Only my brother."

"Oh, and what's his name and age?"

"His name is Ryan Beau Brooks and he is 8."

"Okay. You were very smart to call 000. Did you learn that in school?"


"How was school today?"

"It was good. My friends and I made up a dance and then we played on the playground."

"That sounds very exciting."

"It was. Do you have any kids?" I ask

"I do. I have a 7 year old son and a 6 month old daughter."


"Do you have any pets, Amber?"

"No. I wish I had a Border Collie called Jill, though. She'd be brown and white and would run very fast." I hear a knock on the door.

"That sounds very nice."

"I think the amboolance is here. Thank you for talking with me."

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