Shijie is upset...

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After Wen Chao left the rest of the students were given day off and from tomorrow their classes would begin. Once all the students were out , Wei Ying was cornered by Jiang YanLi and Jiang Cheng. "Wei Wuxian where were you! when the Lan siblings went outside you too were not in the room. Did you sneaked out? Have you caused any trouble again? Are you getting punished again? why the hell are you not speaking?"Asked A-Cheng in one breath. "Ahh A-Cheng are you done. How can i speak when you are continuously asking questions? Anyway to answer your Questions yes i did sneak out and no i did not steered any trouble or getting punished 'Hopefully'". answered Wei. "Hopefully what do you mean by hopefully? i am warning you Wei Wux.... " A-Cheng was cut mid sentence by YanLi . She asked the brothers to come inside their room and then speak.

Once inside the room Wei narrated the whole story to the Siblings and to say the siblings were shocked would be an understatement."Wen Chao has always been a bastard, it is not new for him to say something like that but to a Lan ...... he truly is disgusting. But Wei why did you jump in? The Wens are very powerful and besides Lan Wangi was there too."said jiang cheng. "Jiang Cheng i couldn't just stand there and watch Wen Ch..."

"XianXian i know the thing you did is right but it was not our matter to interfere. And what A-Cheng said is right. The Wens are truly powerful, i am afraid that they might hurt you due to this incident. Just be careful the next time okay." Said YanLi while patting wei's head.

"Ok Shijie i promise to be more careful in future " Wei said smiling.

Later that day

Lan ChunAi was meditating in her room when a knock was heard. She got up and opens the door and finds Lan Zhan along with Lan Xichen at the door . Stepping aside She allows the brothers to come inside. After a few minutes of silence Lan Xichen finally spoke with worry evident in his voice "I heard what happened earlier. Are you you OK A-Chun. Do i need to beat the bastard. Just a word sister, Just a word and he would no longer walk on the same planet as you. " To say Lan ChunAi was amused would be a understatement. Gone was the ever calm and collected Lan xichen , in front of her stood her Ever Protective Big Brother who would fight the world for her. Giving a small smile she shook her head as to stop her brother from doing something rash.

Seeing this reply Zhan silently stood up griping Bichen tightly in his hand and moved towards the door but before he could go any further he was stopped by A-Chun . "Brother i know you are angry but believe me i can handle him on my own. If i can't i know i can always count on you both hence all i ask from you guys is to be patient hand let me handle this on my own. Right now we are in no position to fight the Wen clan." Nodding he finally sat down for good.

"Besides it won't be fun if you handled him instead of me would it?" Saying this ChunAi gave them a Cruel cold smile and the brother could not help but feel a teny tiny bit of pity for Wen Chao.(Yup she is a strong character and certainly knows how to fight her own battle) . The siblings talked for a while (well more like Lan Xichen talked while the duo nodded or gave one word answer. You get the deal.....) and finally retired for their room to meditate.

On the other side during Wei Ying's round around the cloud recesses he saw a timid looking boy trailing behind him trying hard to go unnoticed but failing miserably . Well you guessed it right , it is our Huaisang Guy. In a swift movement Wei unsealed suibian and just a swiftly put in on his neck asking in a deep serious voice "who are you and why are you following me " Ahhh...immm.....Wei Gonzi i heard what you told Wen Chao earlier from other's all around gusu. I wanted to see who was so brave to stand up against the wen i was following you." Nie Huaisang said in his trembling voice. "Then why were you hiding , why didn't you show yourself and talk to me straight away. Don't you think your actions are a bit suspicious " Wei questioned . Giving a guilty smile Nei said "I was scared to approach you.....hehe..." Wei suddenly gave Nei his playful mischievous smile and said "I like you. I think you and I are going to be great friends. I am Wei Wuxian of Jiang sect and you are? " putting forward his hand "Nei Huaisang of Nie sect " said while taking the hand and shaking it giving an innocent smile. But something in his eyes seems to tell otherwise to Wei Ying shrugging the thought away Wei Ying along with his new friend started further exploring the area.

It wasn't until the late hours of night that wei finally came back to his room. But when he entered the house he saw both Shijie and A-Cheng pacing around looking worried. Seeing this Wei hurriedly approached them and asked them what happened. Upon seeing Wei both the siblings took a breath looking visibly relaxed. But seconds later A-Cheng burst on Wei asking him about his whereabouts and upon hearing wei's answer Jiang Cheng's anger knew no bounds. "Roaming around! ROAMING AROUND YOU SAY? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH I.... HOW MUCH SHIJIE WAS WORRIED FOR YOU. SHE WAS THINKING ABOUT ALL THE BAD SCENARIO. THE LEAST YOU COULD HAVE DONE WAS INFORMED US " "I did inform you guys i was going out" wei said making a baby face. "You told us you were going out for "AWHILE" not for the whole bloody day! Wei Wuxian if you continue to do such things i swear one day i'm gonna kill you " "Shijie ...." "No XianXian right now i won't favor you, you have no idea how worried we were for you. I hope you won't repeat it again. XianXian this is an unknown ground for us. We just have each other and we can't trust anyone right now. Try to understand it. And specially after what happened between you and Wen Chao.... " YanLi said looking very upset with Wei. "Sorry Shijie i made you worried " Jiang YanLi just nodded and said"Now come let's eat the dinner is getting cold" and with this the day finally came to an end.

How was it. Hope you are liking the story so far .If you like it don't forget to comment and vote. Until the next time ciao.


The untamed LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ