A Long Journey

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Morning came and the Jiang siblings having packed all their essentials and cloths the night before were ready to depart. Standing on the deck of the Lotus Pier the Jiang family was saying their goodbyes. Madam Yu cornered Wei and warned him not to create any nuisance in Gusu. She hugged YanLi and patted Jiang Chang on the back. While uncle Jiang hugged wei having  said goodbyes to Chang and YanLi already. Just as wei was about to enter the boat Madam Yu ever so quietly wished Wei good luck with a hint of smile as well as concern on her face . Astonished he turned around but Madam Yu acted as if she had not said anything.  With a huge genuine smile Wei entered the boat.

(Common guys she is a mother too. let's cut her some sack. )

Having traveled for 3 days they finally arrived at a town near Gusu CaiYi Town. They decided to stay in a tavern but unfortunately all the inns were full leaving only one. Relieved they were talking about the payment when suddenly the owner came to them and said that all rooms were booked. wei Ying surprised asked "But just now it was  available . How come it is sold out so suddenly, don't you have even a single room available.  Listen we traveled a long way to reach here. At least let us stay for tonight. "The owner of the inn with a guilty expression informed them about all the rooms being booked . Wei Ying asked about  the person who booked all the rooms and came it know it was the Lanling Jin sect . On hearing the name both Wei and Cheng's face showed anger while YanLi blushed. 

wei Ying saw two  lady disciples. Between the two one of the girl was holding a cloth pouch and was saying about how it is a perfume pouch specially for their young master. Ying heard the other calling her MIANMIAN . He decided to try his luck and called out hey but was ignored by the girls. Wei Ying being the shameless person he is, decided to call again but now directly to 'mianmian'. He said "hey MianMian I was wondering if you could give me a perfume pouch too." This time the girl turned around and with an angry expression and said "who are you and how dare you call me MianMian."

:Han.... isn't your name mianmian , I mean that's what she called you! "wei said pointing his finger towards the other girl." ok if your name is not mianmian then what is your name." 'mianmian' said  "You look like you belong from a respectable family, Isn't it etiquette to say your name first before asking others name." Wei Ying grinned and with a smirk said "my name is  yuandao." "Yuandao "asked the girl confused and then she realized something and stood there shocked with a blushing face , however the girl beside her seems to not get Wei's quirky reply and MianMian explained it to her friend in a hushed whisper about the poem and how MIANMIAN LONGED FOR YUANDAO. Her friend laughed remembering the poem and MianMian turned to Wei and said" why would I long for you. I don't even know you. "

 It was then Wei Ying explained his condition to her and  just as mianmian( after giving wei ying the perfume pouch )was about to reply about solving his problem a male disciple came to them and told them that Jin ZiXuan has arrived. MianMian  hurried to greet her master.

 After a awkward encounter for YanLi and blood boiling one for the Jiang brothers , they had no other option but to continue their journey to Gusu cursing 'The Peacock' throughout their journey.

Finally after a very tiring journey from Yunmeng to CaiYi Town and finally to Gusu , they arrived at the gate of Cloud Recesses relieved . But Alas! the troubles has just began.

What dou you think will happen next. Do let me know in the comment section.  Until next time ciao.


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