Chapter 5 ~ On The Edge

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's just, you don't wear stuff like this. I don't understand what's so different about today?" Me either, I wanted to say but what comes out of my mouth is.

"I kissed Jack." He pulls away and stares at me with wide eyes.

"Well, he kissed me actually." I corrected, nervously biting my lip.

"What? You kissed, but I thought.. I thought he didn't want you as a mate." Okay, that stung.

"I don't know, I thought he didn't. I'm just so confused right now, this whole thing is crazy right?" I laughed trying to play the whole thing off but he didn't laugh with me, instead he just looked sad... and hurt.

"I've gotta go to class. See you later." He mutters, before turning away and leaving me all alone. What the hell just happened? I needed my friend and now, I have no-one.

With a sigh, I pushed off from my locker and began to head to my class. Might as well be early for once. I turned left and started to walk to physics, my first class of the day, when I looked up and froze.

Jack and Bethany were leaning against the lockers, his body pressed up against hers, just like mine was yesterday and he's kissing her neck slowly, making his way back up to her lips, before devouring them as if they were his own. Her hand was running up and down underneath his shirt and she was giggling in between their kisses, just like how was laughing and smiling.

He was happy with her, and that hurt like hell.

I stormed off and made my way into the girl's bathroom. I quickly checked under the stalls and thankfully no-one was here so I could breakdown without an audience.

Big fat salty tears gushed out of my eyes like a waterfall and didn't stop until I had long streaks of mascara running down my cheeks.

I'm a mess. A total mess and all because of him, because of a guy.

He made me feel like a fool, he kissed me and played me around. I don't deserve that. Yes, I've done some bad things but I don't deserve this. Right?

My body was practically shaking with anger and I felt a surge of power rock through my body like a wave. Suddenly red angry sparks shot out of my finger tips, causing the mirror in-front of me to crack into two.

No. No, no, no, no. It's happening again. I'm losing control slowly, and it's all because of him. Uh, just thinking about him makes me want to... stop, control yourself. Control your emotions.

I took a deep breathe, wiped off my mascara and fixed my hair. The only signs of my little breakdown were my red eyes but no-one pays enough attention to me to even notice that, so I'm in the clear.

The bell rang and I dashed to physics. Of course, he was there though. Like everyday, he was sat in the same seat he always did, right at the back of the room and next to the window. One seat behind me.

This is going to be a long day.

I take my seat and immediately became alert when I felt  his eyes burning into the back of head. Even though I can't see him staring at me, I feel weak at the knees. Jerk.

Mr Colt is prattling on about kinetic energy, when I feel something hit me from behind. I looked down to find a small folded piece of paper lying right beside my chair. I check to see if anyone is looking and then bend down to pick it up. I slowly unfold the paper, making sure to keep it away from anyone's eyesight.

Meet me underneath the bleachers after class ~ J

J? Jack? Is this from Jack?

I glance behind me but Jack's fully immersed in carving something into the table, so I turn back around. Is this real? I opened it back up, just to check again, and then slipped it into my pocket.

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