Chapter 14 (Ze grand Finale)

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Keryzule POV

I was watching a video on youtube when I got a notification in my e-mail. I opened my e-mail to see a message from a friend that had a link to a video, an ad to be more specific. I clicked the link and waited for the video to load and what I saw just made me feel tired. In the video a trumpet was heard as blue curtains rose out of view to reveal Y/N and J.

Y/N: Hey everyone!

J: Hiya readers. Guess what!

Y/N: We have news.

J: We have ne-..... Did you have to do that?

Y/N: You took too long. Anyway as I'm sure you know the great interdimensional roadtrip is coming to an end and there are still things that leave you curious.

J: Well we are having a new story opened that will answer all those questions and more!

Y/N: Are you acting this way because there's a camera?

J: We have so much to tell you and-

Y/N: Don't ignore me you little shit.

J: if you want your questions answered then send it to the author, Author figured out how to get their messages to work incase you couldn't tell by the replies in the comments.

Y/N: Definately deserves it after sleeping so much when there's still so much to do and figure out. Oh there's more news. We are having a vote, if you want to punish author or just want a sequel to our story then comment right next to this paragra- I mean comment to us "Author is a lazy Jack-ass and deserves punishment" with a minimum of ten, yes ten comments then the sequel shall commence.

J: This outta teach 'em. Anyway Author secretly already has an idea for a sequel so it won't be long.

Y/N: In the mean time Author has other story ideas brewing in the background but they aren't reader stories. Well, not all of them.

J: haha, yeah. Huh? Oh dear it seems we are out of time for this, sorry lovelies but it seems we gotta go.

Y/N: Yeah, later.

The blue curtains dropped down and covered them but the video was still playing.

Y/N: ...I know what you were doing.

J: E-eh?

Y/N: You were copying that girl from lucky channel weren't you.

J: I was nervous! You said we were getting back at the Author for being lazy, you never mentioned I'd be o- Huh? We're still recording?! Well shut it o-

....... Oh fuck me...




We were finally home, no more giant dragons to kill, no worlds to save, new friends in differant dimensions... yet there seems to be one thing I can never change...

Rias: Apologise!!!

J: I'd rather sleep on a brothels uncleaned floor!!!

Rias: You're a thief!

J: And you're a judemental little girl.

Rias: Little?! Do these look little to you?!

I'll admit I prefer this compared to when I was living in Remnant but sometimes it can get really annoying.

Rias: Pipsqueak!

J: Cow!

Rias: Annoying brat!

J: Spoiled bitch!

The great interdimensional road trip (Abused! Bullied! male reader x crossover)Where stories live. Discover now