Chapter 17: Meeting

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"Have a biscuit Harry." I heard my mentor say from behind me. I turn around and greet her.

"Hello proffesor, I'm glad you accepted on such short notice."

"Of course my dear. Now what's this about Lily?"

I take a breath and begin explaining the circumstances. "And well- you see, I think she's got a lot of trauma for such a small thing, and I dont know how to help her, I never got help for mine!"

"Like I said in the letter, I'm more than happy to help. Drop her off here tomorrow, I know just how to help. But for tonight, give her a drop of this in her drink with dinner."

"What is it?"

"It's a simple sleeping draught. It'll help her sleep without the nightmares." I take the vile and slip it into my coat pocket, I'll talk to Draco about it, he's better at potions then I am.

"Before I leave proffesor, I have a request I'd like to ask of you."

"Alright." She nods, so I continue.

"How many deaf students are there at Hogwarts?"

"That's not a request Harry, it's a question, but there aren't many deaf students, but there is a small handful of hard-of-hearing students."

"Okay. How many of those students do well and have many friends at school."

"To my knowledge, most of them are like Draco used to be before he met you."

"That's my point professor. How about we start a group at Hogwarts, it'll be kind of like a support group for students like them. I was thinking Draco could be the leader of the group."

She went silent for a minute, pondering the idea. "Yes. As long as it is held in your hut, and anyone can come, I'll agree to it."

"Alright! You won't regret it Proffesor. Thank you so much."

"Harry, you know you can can call me Minerva; from now on I'm no longer you mentor, I'm your co-worker."

"Now that's where you're wrong professor, you will always be my mentor."

"Oh, good. I dont know if my poor old heart could've handled you calling me by my name." She smiled warmly at me.

I chuckle "Anyways, I best be off. I'll bring Lily over tomorrow. Thank you Minerva." All I saw was a look of pure shock as I apparate to the edge of Hogwarts, walking back to the small hut.

"I'm home!"

"Daddy! Come look at my new room! Papa taught me the spell to change the wall color!"

"Is that so? What's the spell?"

"Let me show you!" She grabs my hand and yanks me into her room where Draco is laying on the bed. "Colovaria!" She giggles and waves her fingers in at the walls. Draco, pretending to be asleep, mutters the same spell under his breath and the walls change from yellow to purple.

"It only works when papa is in the room, so I dragged him in here so I can play with the walls."

I laugh. "Good job Lilypad. But now it's time to change them back to the color you want so that papa can help me make dinner alright?"

She nods. "Colovaria!" The walls change back to a light yellow and she runs over to jump ontop of Draco. "Wake up papa! Dinner time!" He jumps up, pretends to yawn, actually yawns, and walks past me before walking into the kitchen, I follow.

"Did you guys have fun today?" He nods. I can tell something's on his mind. "Is everything alright love?" He shrugs and pulls out ingredients from the icebox. "C'mon love, talk to me." He shakes his head. I continue to try to get an answer out of him until he takes the Auditus' out of his ears and continues making dinner.

"Is papa okay daddy? Is he sad?" Lily was standing in the doorway when he took them out.

"I don't know Lilypad." I kneel down beside her and peck her on the cheek. "Did anything happen while I was gone?"

"Papa went to his garden and told me to play with my toys for a while, but that's all." She hugs me and Pat's my head. "There, there. It'll be alright." I smile at her before telling her to go play.

I go into the living room and grab a pad of paper and a pen, muggle devices we took to our new home. Talk to me Draco. He doesn't even look at it

I'm starting to get worried. He glances at it this time.

If you're not going to talk to me, I'm not going to know what's wrong. Put a drop of this in Lily's drink, it'll get rid of the nightmares tonight. I'm going outside. I slam the paper ontop of his hand so he sees it and drops the vile on the counter, walking away.

I'm halfway up the hill when I hear Draco shouting after me. I keep walking, but he catches up easily. "Is this what you were doing today?" He asks breathlessly. "Getting sleeping draught for Lily?"

I turn around, trying to show my anger. "Yes! What else would I have been doing?!"

He jumps at the tone of my voice, I immediately feel myself regretting being angry as he begins to explain. "I- I thought you were-" he stops, "I thought you were with another guy."

"Draco. Love, I would never cheat on you, not when I'm this happy with our family. I cant believe you'd think that."

"Its silly really, I was overthinking. I just assumed the worst when you got home late, and went off somewhere and wouldn't tell me where, and-"

"Its okay Draco. I love you. I was with McGonagall. She's offered to lend her services to help Lily with her trauma, and she's given you another position."

"What? So I won't be potions teacher?"

"Yes you will, but along with that, and Head of Slytherin house, you'll also be the leader of a support group for deaf and hard-of-hearing students at Hogwarts, if you'll take the position." His jaw all but drops.

"Really? How'd you get that organized?"

"It's not organized at all, that's a job for you to do. I merely pitched the idea, and she agreed."

"Harry you are the absolute best man a guy could ever ask for."

"I love you too Draco."

"PAPA! I THINK SOMETHING'S BURNING!" Draco looks at me and we run down the hill as fast as we can. Until we hear Lily's small giggles. "You should've seen your faces! It's okay, you didn't even put anything in the oven silly."

"You are in so much trouble young lady." She giggled again and skipped back into the house.

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