A/N: Explanation & Reminder

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This is just going to be a short A/N where I explain a few things I want you all to remember throughout the story. If you dont read any of it, at least read #4.

1- ALL italicized words are in sign language, and ALL bolded words are written between two characters.

2- The spell used in this story to translate words to sign language is completely made up. I just used a translator from English to Latin and came up with transferdum intelligo. It technically means translate and understand.

The spell works by using what you are telling your mouth to say, and translating it into whatever language the other person's speaks. That is the 'translate' part of the spell. The 'understand' part of the spell comes in to play for when the other person speaks back. Whenever the other person speaks, (or in Draco's case, signs) what would normally go into the eyes or ears is manipulated by the spell and again translated into proper grammar of the language of the user of the spell.

3- I am not deaf, nor do I have any friends who are. If you have any insight, or notice that I worded something wrong, or offensively at all during this story, please leave a comment, or pm me a suggestion, but please be friendly.

4- In the next chapter there will be a time skip. The characters are all currently in fifth year, and after the time skip, it will be before Christmastime of their seventh year. I'm sorry to those of you who don't particularly like time skips, but it's my story, and I'll write it how I like it. If you got a problem, please keep it to yourself cuz I've heard it a thousand times already.

5- Lastly, I am currently writing this in quarintine, and I know how hard it can be for some people. Especially those of us who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and are living with unaccepting parents. I want you to know that I am in the same boat and I am here to talk whenever you need.

Even if that's not your issue, I'm still a complete mom friend and will give you any advice you need. Feel free to message me anytime you need.


I love you all so much. Stay safe, and stay healthy.
~SortaSadWriter ❤

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