Chapter 15: Ending

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"Tonight, we commemorate our seventh years! Although I will be returning next year, you will not be. You have all done everything you could to ensure your lifestyle outside of Hogwarts will be as fulfilling as it was in our beautiful school. A few of our graduating students in particular will be returning in the coming years."

Proffesor McGonagall stood infront of the students of Hogwarts. The ceremony was held outdoors this year, the weather was nice, and perfect for the boat sendoff. She promised to keep her speech short and sweet, but Draco and I were about to be called out infront of all our peers.

"Harry Potter, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Draco Malfoy, head of Slytherin house and Potions teacher. Neville Longbottom, Herbology Teacher. And lastly, Ronald Weasley, Quidditch Captain." She pauses for the applause before starting again. "I speak for all of Hogwarts when I say congratulations to our graduates!"

As her speech finishes, the boats row away from shore. We row away from the school I was raised in, I'm grateful I'll be returning next year, whereas most of my peers are not as fortunate. Draco is nestled infront of me, head in my chest. He is a constant reminder of how lucky I really am. Not only do I get to return next year, but I get to return with the love of my life, and my new child.

I begin to stroke his blonde hair, right before we reach the other side of the lake. I notice that he gently squeezes my thigh 3 times before we stand up and join our friends on the short walk back to the train. We all board together. But with the extra room on the train, we all eventually disperse.

Pansy and Hermione go off together, laying together and drifting off as they quietly chat. They both plan to work for the ministry next year. Hermione as a Minister trainee, and Pansy as an Auror.

Ginny and Luna are next to leave, they giggle and talk for the whole train ride. Ginny has been offered a position with the Holyhead Harpies, Luna plans to be a traveling florist, going where Gin goes, forever.

Dean and Seamus try to be sneaky as they slide out of our cart, obviously trying to be as private as they could. Dean is going to become a doctor, while Seamus will become a muggle tatoo artist. An odd passion, but a passion nonetheless.

Ron and Blaise slip off and wind up sleeping in the same car as Hermione and Pansy. Ron will be apprenticed under his father for a few years until madam Hooch retires, then he will take her place. And Blaise will become an auror alongside Pansy.

This coincidentally left Neville, Draco and I alone in the original car. "Alright, alright. I can tell when I'm not wanted." He laughed and walked out of the car, joining our napping comrades. Draco turns and kisses me on the lips. "I cant wait to start this summer." He nods in agreement before nestling into my chest yet again.

"You know what my favorite sound is Harry?"

"No, what?"

"The sound of your heart beating." I smile, stroking his hair yet again.

"Did I ever tell you what made me fall in love with you?" He shook his head and sat up slightly. "Your laugh. It's beautiful, and different. I've never heard anyone with a laugh like yours."

"Okay, I get it. I love you too you big sap." He giggled and leaned in for another kiss. We snuggled and just before I doze off I hear him say, "Harry, just so you know. I'm excited for this summer too."


The train pulls to a stop and I gently nudge my blonde until he sits up, rubbing his eyes like a cartoon character. I gather our luggage and we step off the train. Draco walks towards his mother. And I walk towards Remus and the Weasleys.

"Harry dear! Remus told me the great news about your new home. If you ever need any help decorating or tidying up, I'm just a floo away." Mrs. Weasley smiles and then turns towards her own children, congratulating them on graduation.

"Well then Harry my boy, let's gather up Draco and go home shall we? We better not waste too much time, I've never left the two children home alone together. I'm afraid they'll plot something."

I pause, realizing what he had said. "Two... children?"

"Yes Harry. Lily, and Sirius." He mock shudders and I cant help but laugh. I see Draco kiss his mother goodbye and start walking over to us. I grab his hand as soon as its within reach.

As we walk up to the doorway of 14 Grimmauld Place, I barely notice the yellow blur that soon enough tackles my legs, throwing me on the ground. "Daddy!"

I chuckle. "Hi Lilypad, are you excited for this summer?"

"Yes, yes, one thousand times yes!"

"Alright then, is all of your stuff packed? We're staying for dinner, then we'll be on our way." Looking to the ground, she bites her lip. "I'll take that as a no then?" I chuckle.

"I was gonna do it but then Sirius made cookies. Will you help me?"

"Now, you're a big girl, you are perfectly capable of doing it all by yourself." She sulks a little bit before running a few feet away to Draco.

"Papa! Will you help me finish packing?" Draco laughs, barely finishes nodding before she grabs his hand and drags him inside. Cheeky little brat.

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