Chapter 14: Stress and Love

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"The last batch of paperwork for Lily came from Remus this morning."

"When should you have it finished by? NEWTS are next week! You already have enough work!" I had already thought of it, but Hermione pointing it out made it more real.

"Hate to say it but it isn't gonna be easy for you this week Harry" Blaise chimed in.

"I know, I know. I have to get it done though, otherwise I'm going to lose her completely. I cant do that." I rub my hands through my hair and let out an exasperated sigh. "You know she called me daddy in the letter she sent me last night! She's as attached as me!"

"But you also need to pass your NEWTS to get your job next year." Pansy was not helping my stress levels. I sigh and stand up.

"Thanks for the help guys." I storm out of the great hall. I make it ten feet out the door before I collapse on a bench, holding back tears. A hand snakes its way onto my back, rubbing comforting circles. I peer our of my hands and see the concerned face of my boyfriend. I lean into him and let tears escape onto his shoulder.

Still rubbing my back, he starts to talk. "Im here for you." The speech therapy is really helping him come along. It makes me happy to see him work on it. "I'll h-help with the paperwork, and Hermione can help you st-study. We'll do this together."

"It just doesn't seem possible right now."

He tilts my chin up to look at him, he pulls a handkerchief out of his uniform and wipes my eyes, handing it to me to blow my nose. He grabs my hand and squeezes three times. "We'll make it-t work."


"The last part of the NEWTS are tomorrow Harry."

"And we only have a few pages left with the paperwork. But it doesn't have to be finished until-l next Wednesday."

I could hear them, but the only thing I could concentrate on the letter in my hands.

Dear Harry,

Lily's fallen ill, don't worry, Sirius and I have it under control. Focus on your studies. Good luck, we love you.

P.s. I'm okay daddy. Remus is overreacting. I'll be better by tomorrow and send you a letter.

Sirius, Remus, Lily

"Harry? What's wrong mate?"

"Lily's sick. She promised she'd write today, nothing's come yet."

"I'm sure its nothing serious Harry, the owls are probably a little slow today." I visibly gulp, but nod my head. I'll give it to the end of dinner and then I'm sneaking out to see her.

Dinner comes to an end, still no letter. Draco can sense my anxiety, he grabs my hand. "Don't do anything too rash love." With one last peck on the forehead, he exits the great hall.

I'm the last person to exit the hall, I walk upstairs to the dorm to get ready to sneak out. But when I open the door, two little arms wrap around my torso. "Daddy!"

Taken aback completely, all I can manage to say is "Lily?!" Before I kneel down and bury my head in her shoulder.

"What're you doing here?"

"I'm a good luck charm for your big test. I know you'll do the best!"

"So you weren't sick?"

"Nope, this was all a plot to wish you good luck on your final NEWT tomorrow." Sirius revealed himself from the shadows, along with Draco, Remus, Hermione, and Ron.

I sigh. "Thank you all, but it is awfully late, when will you be going home?"

"Remus and I will travel home tonight, and we'll pick Lily up at the train station tomorrow evening, after you're finished."

"You need a good luck charm!" She giggled.

"That I do!" I pick her up and swing her around. After placing her on my bed, I hug my godfathers goodbye and kiss my boyfriend.

The next morning I wake up with another person in my bed. Forgetting the previous nights events, I stand up abruptly before seeing a ball of red hair  and laying back down. Only to realise I have an alarm for a reason and the exam begins in an hour.

Careful not to wake up Lily, I slip into the shower and quickly wash my hair and face. I step out into the cold air and dress myself in comfortable clothes and I dont even bother to try and fix my hair. I wake Lily up for breakfast and we hold hands down to the great hall.

It seems like all eyes turn to us as we walk to our seat, I almost forgot my reputation for a second. Gossip spreads fast, so I look across the room towards the best gossiper I know, ensuring that most people will know the truth rather than just a rumor. Pansy nods her head and begins whispering around her.

I take Lily back to Gryffindor House, where Ginny has agreed to babysit, and then I head back to the great hall and wait.

The questions are specifically tailored to my career choice. I have to pass this test in order to teach at Hogwarts. I mentally go over everything Hermione has helped me with these past weeks, and I vow not to get the least bit distracted by the terrifying thought of Lily and Ginny alone together.


"How'd it go?"

"I think it went really well, Hermione knew what she was doing when she tutored me." We were walking to the train station, Lily holding our hands.

"Hermione's nice. She gave me a book on magical creatures. It has pictures!"

"Oh yeah? Who else did you talk to while you were there?"

"Uncle Ronny let me play chess with him." She pulled me down to her level, "Don't tell him I know he let me win." Draco giggled as she allowed me to stand up and winked at me, cocky little thing.

"I also liked Pansy, she told me funny stories about you."

"Like what?"

"I can't tell you. Girl code, duh."

"Did you just 'duh' me?" I turn to Draco dramatically. "Did she just 'duh' me?!" They both laughed as we approached the platform.

I sigh and kneel infront of Lily. "It's time to go hun. The semester's almost over, then we all get to work on a summer project together."

"What is it? Is it grownup stuff?" She pouted and crossed her arms.

"How does rebuilding a house sound? Right here at school?"

"Woah. That sounds completely AWESOME."

"Heck yes it does. But now it's time to go and stay with Remus and Sirius for just a little while longer." She nods and wraps her tiny arms around my legs and races onto the train cart. She turns and waves at us before sitting down and pulling out a book as she rolls out of sight.

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