Chapter 3: Making Friends

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Harry's POV

Lunch only started five minutes ago, but I find myself staring at the door, anxiously waiting for a head of stunning blond hair to walk through the door.

"He's gonna show up Harry. Just make a plate and calm down." Hermione suggests. I know she's right, so I slowly pile food onto my plate. Just then someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around a little too quickly and elbow them in the stomach.

"Ouch mate!" Ron winced and held his side in mock pain.

I'm about to apologize but then I hear that laugh. I immediately forget my best friend and turn to the side. There he is, the most beautiful boy in this school. I wave him over.

When I turn back around, Ron is already seated besides Hermione, smirking at my expression. Draco carefully sits down besides me and waves. Merlin, that smile is captivating. I notice he brought the notebook and grab out a quill. Hello! Glad you could join me, I wanted to introduce you to my best friends, Ron and Hermione.

Tell them I said it's a pleasure to meet them both. He looked up expectantly and smiled at the two of them. They nodded in acknowledgment and then went back to flirting with eachother.

Sorry, they're always like that.

I see why you wanted to get away on the train. he laughed again as he was writing. I looked up at Mione and gave her a look that says 'see what I mean??'

Then Hermione tore herself from her boyfriend and began signing something to Draco. He smiled and signed something back, Hermione winked at him and looked back at Ron.

"What did you say Mione?"

"I just invited him to be your plus-one at the Gryffindor party tomorrow night." She shrugged and looked away again.


"And.... He said he'll go as long as you'll be his translator."

"O-oh? Alright." I turned back to the boy seated beside me, only to find him staring right back at me with a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. I begin to feel my face heat up. What?

Nothing. I'm just glad to be going to a party with my new friend. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him write. I swear this boy is going to give me a heart attack someday.


Draco's POV

I, Draco Malfoy have officially been invited to a party. And with Harry nonetheless.

I'm looking through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit. I started looking early to find the perfect thing. I've been here for four hours, and the party starts in ten minutes. I quickly choose my favorite combination of my clothes and walk out the door. Harry said to meet him at the great hall so that he can help me find Gryffindor Tower.

Harry's POV

Draco shows at the great hall ten minutes after the time we agreed upon, but man does he look good. He's wearing a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a light green t-shirt that hugs his body just right. He topped it off with  a thin, silver chain that hung loosely from his neck, and a flower crown. He was absolutely gorgeous.

I hold up a paper that I planned while I was waiting for him. Are we ready?

Smiling, he nodded. I took his hand in mine in the least gay way possible, and led him down halls and up staircases until we reached the fat lady. "Dewdrop melon!" The portrait swings open. I drop Draco's hand and we step inside.

All of the fourth and fifth year Gryffindors are sitting around the fire. It looks like everyone is here exept for us. When Hermione spots us she gestures for us to join and clears her throat. "Everyone! Time to start. What do we want to do first?"

Murmurs are all you can hear, no one really knowing what to do. I feel a tug on my sleeve and look to see Draco holding out our notebook. Truth or Dare?

"Hey, Draco suggested truth or dare." I smile at him and Hermione speaks up again.

"Sounds like a splendid Idea. How about you go first Draco?" While she was speaking, she was also signing towards him. I looked down to see him writing. I don't know anyone's names so harry, help me. To the girl in the red sweater with the yellow 'w' on it: t or d?

"Ginny, truth or dare?"

"Dare obviously." She says dare.

I dare her to sit on the blond ravenclaw's lap until she's dared again. I tell Ginny and she turns into a tomato. Luna stretches out her legs and pats her lap quietly. Ginny moves on top of her and we continue the game.

Ginny truths Dean, Dean dares Seamus, Seamus dares Ron, Ron dares Ginny to end her suffering, Ginny dares Luna, and on Luna's turn, she chooses Draco.

Truth or Dare Draco (from the blond ravenclaw, Luna)


Luna: what is your sexuality, as long as you're comfortable sharing.

Me: if it's any consultation, Dean, Hermione and Ron are bi, Seamus and I are gay, and Luna and Ginny are lesbians.

I'm demisexual.

"He says he's demisexual, what's that Hermione?"

"It basically means that in order for Draco to feel any attraction towards anyone, he has to have a strong emotional bond with them. And that person can be any gender." I nod and then smile sheepishly at him. He looks at me expectantly and then points to the paper.

Harry, truth or dare?


I dare you to let me do your hair. You have to keep it that way the rest of the game. He writes with the most evil grin I've ever seen on a boy. But I nod anyways. He pulls out his wand and summons what I assume is two hair products. He goes to work in the back but he soon realises that there is too much hair in the front and he can't reach. He swiftly picks up our notebook and writes: May I kneel on your lap? I can't reach. I KNOW my face is bright red now. But I nod anyways. He positions his legs on both sides of my legs and goes back to work.

When he's finished I know I look stupid. He hands me a mirror so I can see. This little cinimon roll French braided a penis onto my head. I don't know how he did it or what he used but everyone is literally rolling on the floor laughing.

When a few people regain their composure, Ron says, "I didn't know what was going on at first, you two just looked like you were flirting." He bursted with laughter again, so Ginny picks up with the teasing.

"Then he SAT on your lap? That was the kinkiest thing I've ever seen you do bud." At this point I am more than we'll aware of my bright red face. Draco's just lucky he can't hear what they're saying.

This time it's Seamus who talks. "but then when he stepped back all we could see was-" he too was cut off by his own, and everyone else in the room's, laughter. I couldn't help but laugh too.

Draco tugged at my shoulder again, so I turn to the notebook. Do you like it? XD All I can do is fake a glare before I can't hold back my giggles anymore. And then he starts to laugh too. It's the loudest I've ever heard his laugh, but it's so unique and I can't help but stop and smile.

"You really like him don't you Harry?" Luna asked, but it was more a statement than a question.

"Yah." I said, still looking at Draco. "I really do."

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