Lost In Time

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        I'm slipping out of my state of slumber, yet I'm not quit awake yet, I'm still somewhat half awake, half asleep. I hear someone in the room, "She's waking up, Robert she's waking up." It sounds like Austin, but he has a tint of excitement as if he's been waiting for this for a long time. I can't open my eyes, they feel heavier then they've ever been. What's going on?

        "Go get the doctor and mama, get everyone, hurry!" I hear Robert's feet shuffle out of the room in a hurry, someone is approaching me, I assume it's Austin. I try and speak, but I'm unable too as I find my throat dry, so dry it's as if I've never taken a sip of water in my lifetime. However, I still try to speak "Au-Au-" Austin pressed his warm hand against my icy cold cheek, "Shhh, I'm here babe just take it easy. I love you okay?" I attempt to lift my heavy felt arm, but it ends in a fail, why can I not operate correctly?

        I hear the high pitch screech of new door hinges moving, the door swings open with a silent "whoosh" in the wind. Several pairs of feet begin to file in, Austin's hand leaves my cheek. My eyes are beginning to lessen on the heaviness, I'm able to open my eyes but everything has a hint of haziness around them, at this moment I don't mind the fuzzy outlines on everyone, as long as I can see that's all that I care for.

        Austin stands before the doctor as they shake hands for a casual greeting, "Hello Austin, when did she happen to wake up?" The doctor looks about in his mid-twenties by how youthful his presence his. "Hey Murphy, and not so long ago, maybe just a bit under 8 minutes ago, I think. I sent Robert to go get you and everyone right when she started to show signs of awakening."  As they continue to talk about me, I lamely glance around the room, I find Robert, Alex, Tyler, Zach, and Sam talking among themselves and mama and Dave listening to the doctor speak. I should probably listen to Murphy if I want some answers to my question of what happened to me.

        After several failed attempts of speaking I finally find my voice, though hard at first, I get the fluent speech back into my voice, "Wh-What ha-happened to me?" I smell the faint odor of the hospital on Murphy as he approaches me slowly. "Answer some questions for me and I'll return the favor to you, how's that sound?" I'm to weak to argue so I just nod lightly; giving the permission for him to ask the questions he is curious about.

        "What was the last thing you remembered Noel?" I answer quickly for this is what I do know for sure, "Me, Austin, and mama were on the plane flight coming home. I talked to Austin for a few minutes before we fell to sleep from exhaustion..that's all I remember except for my dream-" my vision is back to normal now, I can see the worrisome expressions across everyone's face, especially Austin's.

        "By what you tell me, Austin and what she just told us, she's effected more then we thought." A chill ran up my spine, that chill you get when something isn't quit right. Murphy didn't look worried like everyone else, he looks familiar..is this my mind just....no I do know him. He's the sa-

        "Can everyone give me and Noel a moment please? I'd like to ask her some questions, privately if you don't mind." Austin leans over to kiss my forehead as he whispers in my ear, "No matter what you'll always be my Noel..my baby girl got it?" Before I could answer he joins everyone else as they exit the room as silence makes their curiosity grow.

        "Murphy what do you want?" He doesn't respond to me. Instead he reaches into one of his front pockets of his crisp, white doctors coat and pulls out something. I'm not able to see it for his hand is covering it. But my view has changed once he lays the silk black, UFO looking figure on me. The Maker lays ice cold on my chest, which is only covered by a paper thin, typical hospital gown.

        My voice turns into an angry hush as our eyes meet, "How in the world did you get this Murphy!?" "It was in your pocket just like how it always was, my question is don't you think you owe me a thank you?" "Answer my questions first." Murphy was one of my father's best friends before they had a huge disagreement, which caused their friendship to completely crumble to dust, yet Murphy's and I's friendship only was stronger for we both had a love for science, to be more specific, time travel. Matter in fact, he helped me build The Maker, he's the only one I believe knows how to use the maker to his own usage even though it's made just for me and only me.

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