On The Other Side

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        "Boss, how were we supposed to know she was going to teleport away from us?"  The last of Harvey's men step out of the portal. Harvey turns around furious. You can tell he is trying to keep his calm by how he speaks between clenched teeth.

        "You, men, are suppose to be the top of your class when it comes to catching people that we need. Let alone a damn 16 old girl!" Harvey closes the portal gate and looks at the men with a menacing smile. "Since you couldn't catch that little girl, we will dissect someone else's brain because maybe.. just maybe.. I can figure out why you pathetic minions failed at your simple task! I will report back to headquarters and you better pray." 

        "Pray? Why should we pray, boss?" The other men step back from him, leaving him alone as Harvey walks up to him with a sarcastic grin.

        "You better pray, boy, if you want to live." Harvey leaves the men behind as he heads to HQ (headquarters). The men look towards one another. The 3 men vary in looks. One is short and stalky with black hair. His name is Levi. The other 2 look more similar due to their heights. Tall and toned. The one on the left is a ginger that has piercing green eyes and the other is blonde hair with blue eyes. Their names are Joffrey and Jarvis.

        Levi turns towards Joffrey, trying to keep content, "Why are you always the one who gets us in trouble! You must be the dumbest ginger I have ever met in my life. You're going to be the reason we die."

        Jarvis snaps back at Levi with a smile, "Says the one who can't even hold a 16 year old girl down. I thought you were the top of your weightlifting class, Levi? Or was that the top of the eating class?"  Levi turns around quickly before Joffrey steps in.

        "Hey, I'll learn to be quiet from now on. But what does the boss even want with that girl? I'm not into the whole abducting random girls from the past. Let alone killing them." 

        "We need her, you idiot. She is the only one who can control The Maker." Levi speaks as if this is obvious to both Joffrey and Jarvis.

        The twins decide not to ask anymore questions since they can sense how agitated Levi is becoming. All 3 men clock out of their work schedules and head to their rooms. Each person who works in the cooperation has their own designated room that they have to live in until they are dispatched from the cooperation. Alive or not. This place is Head Quarters of the most restricting and evil place in the United States. It's where the new government of the year 3012 lays. HQ is where their laboratories are and where people report back to The One. The One is the ultimate ruler of even the president. No one has seen this person before. There are various rumors and myths about The One, nobody bothers to ask questions because the last one who did so was sent away on a private secret mission somewhere in the boonies in the far off part of our solar system and has never reported back to HQ nor anywhere else. We expect he was killed.

        The twins are heading back to their rooms when Joffrey turns to Jarvis, wanting to ask a question but decides not to. 

        "Hey, Joff, what's bothering you. You haven't seemed normal today." 

        "It was today's mission. This girl.. she's the creator of The Maker? She's only 16."

        "Yep, but believe it or not. she created that thing when she was 13."

        "Why do we need her so bad though? You saw how advance our technology was compared to theirs."

        "I don't even now the answer to that." Jarvis grabs Joffrey's shoulder, causing him to stop. "But what I do know is that you need to be more careful or you're going to get killed. Mom wouldn't like to find out that you died because you couldn't learn to control that fat mouth of yours. Just do what Harvey asks you to do and we both can get out of here, alive."

        In the year 3012, the United States gives out tests called AoD. AoD tests for kids who have the ability to kill and follow orders or be killed and used as bait. They are used to see who is the best match for the government. Any kid who receives a score of 50 or higher then he or she is sent away to training. These kids are unable to ever see their families again until the government has found no more use for that kid. Even then, when you get dispatched, it's a 50-50 chance you will get to see your family again. 

        "Harvey you have failed me." A disappointed familiar voice speaks. You can't see this person but it's The One.

        "I'm sorry, your majesty. But my men failed me and in turn I failed you. It won't happen again."

        "You know what I do to failures, Harvey." Her voice is soft, yet unsettling. "But since I'm in a good mood today, you have one more chance."

        "Thank you. Thank you your majesty. I promise I-"

        "Save the sappy stuff. Just know i will have you killed the moment you fail me again. You're brain is what I like. Not you. Don't shame me by screwing up a simple mission again." Before Harvey could respond the screen goes out. Harvey stands there contemplating on his next  move. He gets frustrated and throws the table, beside him, to the screen. "That little girl will pay for this." Harvey leaves as sparks fly from the broken screen and glass shatters upon the concrete ground.


        I hope you are enjoying the story. Please leave comments on what you think about it. Any kind of comments will help! 

Twitter @beastwrobel

xoxo thanks lovelies (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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