What Now?

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     I have been up for sometime now. Trying to sleep after already a month of slumber seemed a bit much for my body. So, I decided to stay up and attempt understanding  why and who would want The Maker. The television flickers on and changes rapidly through the channels, as if possessed by a paranormal entity. I find the remote to the TV, but none of the buttons seem to be working. I press the emergency button on the hospital bed to signal Doctor Murphy. I keep pressing the button as I begin to panic, due to the TV's sketchiness. The button must have worked because I can see Murphy right outside of the door when everything seems to halt. The TV stops. The clock, that hangs on the far wall by the window, is at a standstill. Time has frozen. What is going on?

        A portal opens from the space time continuum. A group of men step out of the portal. 4 Of them to be exact. One of them steps towards me. He's about 6ft tall and broad shouldered. He has a grimace on his face that matches the way that he walks. His eyes warn me of the trouble he brings. He speaks with a deep, sarcastic voice. "I bet this happens to you everyday. Doesn't it, Noel?" The portal closes.

        "How do you know my name?" I look straight into his eyes without any emotion.

        "Oh pardon me, my dear, I am Harvey. Harvey Valinski.  And I have came back to take what belongs to me." 

        Harvey then signals to his group of men to pin me down. I begin to struggle in pain and agony as I try to rid free of their grasps. I can't though. They're too strong for someone like me. My mind starts on a drive that passes a million thoughts a second. The men lift me up as the portal opens, once again. Harvey looks at me, with his malice grin, "I bet you have a lovely brain that deserves a decent disection." 

        I'm approaching the portal gate faster now. My body is going into overdrive. My mind flicks to Austin and The Maker. I can't quit now. I can't go down without a fight. I close my eyes and calm myself. I think of him. Me in Austin's arms. I open my eyes to see Harvey and his men fading away. 

        "How is this possible!?" 

        "Boss, she's teleporting!"

        I smile as what they say is true. "I hope we can meet again Harvey." I wink then, flash. I am in a different room. As from the look of it, I am in the girls restroom on the 1st floor. I walk out of the restroom and peak around the door to see who's outside. Patients and nurses occupy the waiting room. I exit the restroom as I akwardly make it back up the steps. I see Doctor Murphy walking back downstairs when he looks at me, confused. I look at him with a somewhat confident smile, "Come on Murphy, I have a lot of explaining to do."  I lead Murphy back into the room and fill him in with what just happened.

        "So, let me get this straight. His name is Harvey and he wants The Maker?" 

        "Don't forget about disecting my brain, but yes."

        "And when you felt the most in danger, you teleported your way to safety?"

        I smile a bit, hearing him say it out loud to me makes me sound like a superbeing. I stop smiling when the thought occurs to me. "Why did I.. More like how did I teleport out of Harvey's men's grasps?" 

        "I am pretty certain you can thank The Maker for that. My hypothesis is that it sensed you and itself was in danger so it removed you from the scenerio the best way that it could think of in a split second. Teleportation." 

        "Murphy, why would they want my brain though? What did Harvey mean when he said, 'I came to take back what belongs to me'?" 

        Murphy sits in the chair next to the bed, pondering my question. "I'm not sure about that. You are the original creator of The Maker. However, he's from the future. Looking at one of his assasin's weapons from the airport inccident and the portal gate, how far in the future is unknown. All I do know is, it's a future in your lifetime and you are most likely the reason that portal gate was even possible to open."

        I lay back into the hospital bed. The bed creaks as I lay back onto the white sheets. The Maker is in my hands. My thumbs lightly rubbing over the glistening surface of The Maker. This creation, this toy-looking object, was just a dream that I made possible and revelant. As a young scientist and time traveling lover, this is a creation that is an ultimate discovery of the decade if not the century. As a scientist this a huge accomplishment to achieve one of your experiments and find that it was a success. The question is, why is someone so far off into the future so focused on me and my little friend. The Maker.

        "Noel, whoever is after you will most likely be furious to find out that you still hold The Maker and that you escaped. You need to keep it somewhere safe, if you become indanger it will help you. As for the moment, you need to get dressed because Austin will be here any moment wanting to take you out of here. No matter what, you need to make sure they do not find out what is going on. If anyone were to get involved in our situation, then it will be something we will never learn to live past.. especially if they were to get harmed in the process. Get dressed and I will check up on you every now and then, If you need me you know how to find me." Murphy smiles at The Maker and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. When the sound of the door closed is affirmed, I get dressed for the day. Oddly, after being in this hospital gown for so long I grew to like it. 

        Murphy was right, about 25 minutes, after I had gotten dressed, Austin and mama were at the door ready to leave. Austin smiled at me so sweetly. Even though my mind wants to desperately tell him what's actually going on. I can't. I cannot risk his life nor any of my loved one's lives for something i created. 

        Austin looks at me, clueless that his girlfriend is on the hitlist from a future mob squad and that she's been almost assassinated once and ubducted once, "Ready to go babe?"

         I push a smile, despite the thoughts, "The question is, are you ready, handsome?" 


        I hope you are enjoying the story. Please leave comments on what you think about it. Any kind of comments will help! 

Twitter @beastwrobel

xoxo thanks lovelies (:

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