Letter #3

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Letter #3

February 17th, 2019

Dear my love,

I don't think I can even call you my love anymore. It hurts so much to think that you aren't mine. While it hasn't been confirmed what we are, I feel you going away. Now I don't know if you will ever see this like I planned. I will always love you. I just wish I knew what changed in a month. We were so in love. I never saw a problem until you created it. You said there was a problem. You pushed yourself away and made yourself stop feeling. Feelings aren't things we should be scared of, yet you seem to be so scared. I don't know if I will ever know what changed, and while change isn't always a bad thing, whatever is going on with you is. I see you pushing everyone away. I wish I had the chance to help, and I can tell you want it. I honestly feel like this will be a big regret because I'm not sure I can be in your life if I don't have you. I can't watch you love someone else while I am still in love with you. While you aren't my first love, you will always be my greatest love. I hope one day you will read these. I hope we can find each other again. I will pray for you. I am praying for you. I know you are hurting. I know that you can't see the future in anything anymore, but do not give up hope. Do not push more people away. I just hope you give me a chance to help. Until next time.


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I do not want you to feel bad, but I don't know that I can live without you in my life. You're my everything...so if anything happens to me, I hope you find your way to these letters somehow.

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