Letter #2

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Letter #2

February 12th, 2019

Dear my love,

I'm writing this as I'm sitting next to you. Our relationship hangs in the balance, and I still feel love when I look into your eyes. Even though we could be minutes, hours, or days away from the end of our four year relationship, I still couldn't love you more. I know your heart hurts thinking it could be the end, but I need you to live your life. You deserve more than I can give you. I wish you were as in love with me as you used to be. I wish things could be different. I wish I could sleep with you and kiss you not thinking it could be the last time. I wish I was sure of our future. I want to be with you forever. I want you to propose one day. I used to be so sure of the future. You are the love of my life. I am my best self with you. You have helped me through my depression and my anxiety. You have been my best friend, and sometimes my only friend, for four years. I am forever grateful for you. Who ever you end up with in the future, she will be so lucky to have you. I am lucky. I had you for four years. I am a better person because you stepped into my life that day at church.

Sometimes I think about the day we met. You've told me that you seen me running up the stairs past you months before we met. I wish I would have seen you too. I do not know what you thought the first time you saw me, but I remember what I first thought when I saw you. There was something special about you. I wanted to be bold. I wanted you. I never knew how amazing you would turn out to be. I never knew you would be the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, but things change. And they have changed. For me and you, they've become more stressful. Sometimes I think it's too stressful for us to handle. All I can think is that the stress is the thing pulling us apart, or maybe it's my insecurities. Maybe if I was more confident. Maybe if I loved myself more, you would still love me. Maybe if I had been smarter, I would have never let this happen. No matter what happens, I want you, I need you to know, you are the love of my life, and I will never stop loving you.

Forever and always,

String bean

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