chapter 4

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"I thought you didn't wanna go?" Alice's voice called from inside the car as I opened the door and sat down.
"Change of plan" I responded light heartedly giving the most genuine smile I could muster up.
"Now come on drive, we're going to be late" Hitting Alice she laughed, starting the engine, "maybe I'll wait here until I get an explanation" Alice folded her arms as I scowled at her "ok, ok I'm going".

The car ride was spent explaining to Alice everything that had happened after she left, I was stopped every now and again by her " Wait whats?!" Or "say that again, he did what??" But eventually she understood and was totally on board with my plan. I wasn't even sure it would work but it didn't hurt to try.

We finally arrived at the car park when I hurried out of the car pulling Alice with me "come on it's already started!"

I practically dragged Alice through the park, weaving in and out of people and stalls. "Slow down my legs are killing me!" Alice panted but I ignored her complaining and carried on towards the tent.

I could hear cheering and clapping from inside the now fully lit tent as I grew nearer to it. At last we reached the entrance, I could just make out the sound of Jerome's voice bellowing out to the audience.

"Aha, we have our first volunteer!" We walked through the entrance and were greeted by everyone now staring at us. I lifted my head to see Jerome dressed in the same attire as last night pointing directly at me. "This wasn't part of the plan was it?" I heard Alice's quiet voice as she leant into my neck. I shook my head with a worried glance at her.

I left Alice's side and slowly began walking down the steps to meet Jerome at the bottom. I could feel every single pair of eyes follow me as I stumbled past them, everyone dead silent. What was he going to do I asked myself as if I had an answer.

All eyes were now on me in the center of the ring as I took Jerome's heated hand which was covered by his leather glove. "Glad to see you back gorgeous" His voice whispered in my ear awaking every part of me. He had gone back to acting like nothing had happened and we just had a nice night together.

"Everyone this is y/n give her a round of applause!" Jerome watched with a big grin at the audience who had erupted into cheers and claps, the sound of wolf whistling and hands smacking against each other filled every inch of the tent.

"Now for my first trick! My lovely volunteer will hold this pineapple in her hand" Jerome handed me a rather large pineapple to which I followed his order and held out my hand. All of a sudden Jerome pulled out a knife and without any warning, threw it directly at the pineapple knocking it out of my hand. I watched in amazement as it tumbled off splattering over the once clean tent floor.

The tent filled with claps once again as Jerome hushed them down "alright, alright now, my next trick is a bit, more... Dangerous" My heart began racing as Jerome had lowered his head making him look almost sinister with his hooded eyes and giant smirk.

Before I had time to question anything I felt hands grab me and strap me to a wooden wheel behind me. I tried desperately to break free but it was no use the restraints were too tight. I could see the audience leaning forward in their seats with suspense, you could've heard a pin drop.

Jerome had pulled a table in front of him lined with knifes ranging from big to small, he picked a few up and played with them in his hand like they were his most prized possession. I turned my head to see Alice frozen in fear, her hands covering her eyes and mouth all I wanted to do right now was run up to her and leave.

"Don't worry gorgeous, I've done this before. Just, try not to move" Jerome had picked up a small blade and angled it in his hand, staring at me with one eye closed. I shut my eyes and tensed my etire body too afraid to move a single muscle. Within seconds I heard a thud and felt the wheel shake a little. I carefully opened my eyes to see the blade that once rested in Jerome's hands now hanging underneath my right arm.

I let out a sigh of relieve but was cut short by another thud this time on the other side. Jerome had just thrown another blade, this time a bit bigger, without my knowledge. This too hung under my left arm almost symmetrical to the first. I had to admit he was pretty skilled with a knife and this was the most fun I had had in a long time. Being on the verge of death gave you such a rush you would never feel anywhere else.

I hung there in fear and anticipation as each knife flew towards me hitting points all around my body. I shut my eyes tightly as each one came hurling towards me. I lifted my head to see each knife dangling beside my body, taunting me as the next one was thrown. This time it was aiming for my head. I felt the wind brush past me as it whipped my hair to the side all my thoughts had washed away by now.

"Now the best part!" Jerome's harsh voice rung through my ears as the room began spinning around me. Someone had begun spinning the wheel while I watched the audience turn up side down and the ceiling become the floor. My eyes locked onto Jerome who had gathered a bunch of knives in his rather large hands. He gave me a reassuring smile before thrusting them one after another at me.

The thuds were consistent and consecutive, each breaking the wood around me. My heart raced like it was in first place reaching the finish line, pounding at my chest to be let free. My stomach had turned into a washing machine as it churned making me feel sick. The tent had replenished into gasps and cheering once again as the thuds stopped and the wheel was slowing down.

I gathered my breath and controlled my now shaking body. It was over. The wheel had stopped spinning and the crew had started untying me. I stepped down from the wheel and looked back at what was once the highlight of my night for both good and bad reasons.

"One more round of applause from my gorgeous volunteer" Jerome had approached me and pulled my hand into the air, taking a bow. He stared into my eyes and whispered "meet me by my trailer after the show, we need to talk" And before I could respond he pulled me into him and planted a kiss on my lips.

It took me by surprise but I kissed him back not knowing what else to do. He turned out to be a great kisser and his lips tasted as sweet as anything. He broke apart and helped me towards the steps before winking and rushing back to the center of the ring.

"Are you ok?!" Alice had grabbed my arm and took me outside of the tent. "I am now" I sighed giving her an approving smile "he told me to meet him at his trailer after the show" Alice's eyes widened in disbelief "are you going to? He's a psycho y/n" I could tell she didn't want me to but she had no control.

"Yes. I still need answers" I replied.

jerome x reader || hi gorgeous, I'm jerome (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now