New Girl

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You walk to your house in excitement. You are ready to unload all of your bags. You see your one-story house, green with lots of windows. You took out your new, shiny key from your back pocket. Once you walk in, you see a light brown sofa on a brown striped rug. There, you see a wooden coffee table. You take a minute to look at the beautiful house.

You go into one of the two rooms. It's a decent sized room, there was a bed, bookshelf, desk and dresser, what more do you need?

You unload your stuff, the room is officially yours.

It was 5 p.m so you decided to make dinner. You look in the fridge and pantry, hoping to find food. Luckily, you found some. You pull out a bag of frozen broccoli from the freezer and a cup o noodle from the pantry.

Once you are done with dinner, you go outside on your small, shaded porch. You can see the Death Weapon Meister Academy or DWMA. After a bit of fresh air, you go inside.


You walk up to the school to see a group of friends talking to each other.

You heard them say "new girl" multiple times.

There was muscular guy screaming "I surpass god! I am Black*Star!!! The great assassin!!!" You try not to stare at the group, you dont want to draw attention to yourself. It's too late, the group came walking toward you. There were three guys with unique hair. One of the boy's hair was blue, one with white and one with 3 white stripes on his black hair. There were also four girls. The one with a short red skirt and blonde hair put her hand out to me. "Hi, I'm Maka and these are my friends, Soul, Black*Star, Kid, Tsubaki, Patty and Liz." Maka said, you shook her hand, she seems nice. Black*star gave you a look, you smiled back, thinking of past memories. The two other boys waved at you and smiled, Soul reveled his sharp teeth. Both boys seemed nice.

"You are the new girl right? Weapon or Meister?" She asked you kindly. "Weapon. My name is ____." You say, you're glad to make some friends on the first day of school. Soon, you all walk inside the school.

You all had your class together. You sit down in the third row of seats next to Maka and Kid. You see the teacher roll in the room. He has this metal screw and his head and stitches on his face. "That's our teacher, Mr. Stein." Maka whispered to you. "Today we have a new student, ______. She is weapon, we have a meister in the class for ____, his name is Duke. You two will be partners if you work well together." Mr. Stein said to you. You look back at Duke. He had short, black hair and bright, blue eyes. You thought he seemed nice by the looks of it.

"How about you guys come up here and show us what you can do." Mr. Stein said.

Death the Kid smiled at you which made you feel less nervous about going up. You made it to the front of the class.

"What weapon are you?" Duke asked you. "I'm a shadow weapon." You say quietly to him.

"Hold up!" Black*Star yells to everyone, he is standing up now. "Tsubaki and I... What?!?!? We are too! Weapon.. Shadow weapon... Ah!!!!" you gave him a look that he over exaggerated. You thought he was just angry because he was not the "one and only" now that you came along.

"Be quiet Black*Star! How about you fight them after they get to know each other." Mr. Stein said.

You look at Black* Star, he sat back down, still frustrated. Duke gave you a strong look, you turn into a ninja star. Duke held you, he tried to get used to your weight and shape. You then turned into a chain scythe. Duke looked at you, "Back to the star." You turn back to the star. "I can also turn into a smoke bomb." You say to Duke.

"How about you two do soul resonance? You might not be able to do it because you just met, it takes lots of practice." Dr Stein said.

"You got this_____, I believe in you!!!" Soul said to you. You smiled and blushed.

"Thanks Soul!" You yelled back to him. You're surprised he cheered for you, and Kid at the beginning, they haven't even talked to you yet.

"Let's go, soul resonance!"

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