"Newt, principle. Now." Newt stumbles out of his chair and slowly walks to the door. He avoids eye contact, knowing that everyone else is already looking at him and probably thinking that he's an idiot and that they all hate him. He doesn't blame them, but it still manages to make him extremely uncomfortable.

He walks over to the office, and for a minute he's contemplating on actually going inside, hovering over the door with his hand. He's ready to knock, but he's still thinking about leaving the building instead of enduring a long lecture.

"Need help knocking or do you have that covered?" Newt jumps at the sound of someone next to him. Turning, he sees the same boy that had looked at him in class, only now holding a smirk with his eyebrows raised. Don't say anything. Ignore him. Newt turns away from the brown haired boy, facing the door once more.

He suddenly feels a presence behind him, no doubt it being the boy that was a few meters away moments before. Whoever this boy is, knocks three times, and then stands back for the door to open.

"I was sent here too." This makes Newt turn to look at him in question. He wants to ask why, but he can't bring himself to. Whoever he is, seems to catch on, however, before he can reply, the door opens in front of them and the principle is standing before them.

"I was told you two would show. Come in." He gestures inside and they both walk past him to sit in the two free chairs in front of the wooden desk.

"Newt, it's not too surprising that you're here, you however..." he stops to look at the brown eyed boy that's seated beside Newt only to continue the sentence, "I didn't think that your day of arrival to our school would land you in here."

The boy shrugs it off like it's nothing. "Well, you know what they say. First time for everything right?" The principal looks at him, frustration visible.

"You think that you're being smart?"

"Ah, on the contrary my friend, but I'm not known for being clever." Newt let's out a small giggle and the boy next to him smiles.

The principle opens his mouth to say something to them both for making him look like a fool, but quickly closes it when he realizes that the boys are probably going to smart mouth him.

"Thomas, I'm going to have to talk to your teacher for your unacceptable behavior. Newt, you were just sent here for not paying attention. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" They both look over at Newt, and Newt himself is glancing between both of them. He shakes his head and then turns when he hears the voice beside him speak again.

"Newt..." he stops to turn to Newt and says, "nice name by the way. Anyway, this Newt kid hasn't muttered a single word. What makes you think he's gonna say something now? Specifically to you?"

The principle let's out a sigh in clear annoyance and nods towards the door.

"You two. Out. I'll be talking to your teachers." Both of them got up to leave the room, Newt following behind Thomas, who he now knows him as.

They both walk out into the still secluded hallway. Everyone else is sitting in class, so there's no one to roam the halls. A voice snaps him out of his little thought bubble, and he sees that it's Thomas.

"Are you coming to the game later?" Newt shrugs, and let's out a small chuckle. It's not like I have a choice.

"You don't speak much do you?" No, and you speak too much. But Newt doesn't say that, he opts out on giving Thomas a polite nod, telling him that he is in fact coming and that no, he doesn't speak much.

"Wait. Which one did you nod to?" Newt thinks that this guy just doesn't give up, but instead of answering, he chooses to walk back to his class.

"Hey, you can't just leave me hanging here!" He hears footsteps behind him, and he doesn't have to guess to know that it is Thomas that is following back to the same class.

"Geez, you're rude." Newt stops from opening the door to class, but he keeps his gaze at the handle, not looking at the boy behind him.

"And you... are annoying." And then Newt's pushing the door open, walking inside and straight to his seat. He can merely make out Thomas saying "Did you just say something?" before sitting down and letting Thomas go to his teammates.


The game had begun, and everyone on the bleachers were cheering one of the two teams on. Newt just stood there, watching the game unfold in front of him as he thought to himself if the tactics the players chose, were good. He honestly didn't see the point in Lacrosse, and he definitely did not understand why people in his school actually thought that their team was good. Newt thought they sucked, always passing wrong and giving the other team more advantages to score. The other team, with Thomas, were for sure a lot better. They were aware of what they were doing, and it was like they had planned out every little thing for every little scenario.

A break was called so that the players could get a ten minute rest, but Newt didn't like it. His eyes widened in fear as he saw the guy who had made him attend the game in the first place, come towards him. He was shivering by the time Callen was standing in front of him, and it wasn't from the wind drifting past him.

"Wise choice deciding to show. There's one thing ya can do right." The words were repeated in his head, only by his mother. It was one of the last things she told him on Monday.

"Are ya listening? I'm talking to ya!" Callen had raised his voice by the last sentence, shoving Newt against the wooden wall behind him. It hurt, and he didn't doubt for a minute that it showed on his face.

"You're such a weak little..." but before Newt could hear the boy finish the sentence, he ran. He ran straight to the tree as fast as he could, praying that he wasn't being followed. Unfortunately for him, he heard footsteps running behind him, and while they weren't catching up, they were close. It made him run faster, until he couldn't anymore and he collapsed to the ground from exhaustion a bit further from his destination. He could see it, but he wasn't there. He saw two pairs of feet clad with Nike runners in front of him, but when he glanced up he didn't see who he'd expected. It was Thomas, and he unknowingly rolled his eyes.

Thomas crouched down to Newt's level, both of them sitting there for a minute or two before Thomas broke the silence.

"Whoever that guy is, he's an ass." Newt looked up and laughed, which made Thomas' eyes brighten up a bit.

"Are you incapable of leaving me alone?" The question seemed to startle the boy in front of Newt.

"I wanted to know if you're okay. He shoved you and you seemed scared, so I ran after."

"He did shove me, and I was scared. Now I'm not, so you're welcome to go." Newt points back towards the field, but Thomas doesn't budge. Newt sighs in annoyance, because anyone else would've given up by now, but he was still standing there.

"What happened to the no talking thing? You decided to let that go?" Newt glares.

"I can talk you know? I just choose not to. You, however, seem to leave me no choice but to say something."

"Ah, so what you're saying is that my consistent talking, makes you talk. So in other words, I should never shut up."

"No, I'd like for you to shut up actually, but it doesn't look like you will anytime soon."

"Which is true. I'm Thomas." And the boy holds out his hand to Newt with a smile plastered on his face, and Newt can't help but show a tiny smile himself.

"I know, and I'm Newt." He takes a hold of the other boys hands to shake it, but quickly let's go.

"You know Newt, how about we make a small agreement." Newt raises his brows in question and let's Thomas continue.

"You think I speak too much. So, how about I speak less, but you speak a tiny bit more?"

"Why? You're leaving tomorrow anyway, and I'm pretty sure that you have to get back to your game. The ten minutes is almost over." Thomas visibly sighs, and Newt looks at him expectantly for an answer.

"You're impossible." The boy seems frustrated. At least that's what Newt thinks, and Thomas gets up to head back to his game. Newt surprises himself when he wants to yell at Thomas to come back, but he doesn't. He lets him go and walks home with the mindset that he'll never see Thomas again.

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