Chapter Eighteen

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I was awaken by rain and I could hear Destiny crying. I get up,careful not wake Richard and went next door to get Destiny.

"Hey baby. Mommy is here." I pick her up and went downstairs. I sit at the counter and feed her. When I was finish I look at her and thank God for giving her to me.

I thank him for giving me Richard too. Because of him I'm still here today and because of him I'm where I am today. Because of him Destiny is here.

"He may not be your biological father but he's the best father you'll ever had. He love you as if you were his and I will forever be grateful for everything he has done."

Arms settle on my shoulder and I look up at Richard. He kiss me before kissing Destiny.

"Are you up for a seminar?"

"What kind?"

"Teen moms and moms to be."

"Yes. When is it?"

"Today. Well in the morning at the high school."

"Ok I'll get ready."

I get myself ready in a knee length dress and put Destiny in a matching one. I did a light make-up and slip my heels in. I add a bow to her hair before going downstairs.

Sam was by the door and his face lit up when he saw us.

"Wanna hold her?"


"You're like her big brother." I hand her to him and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"I'm ready." Richard came downstairs in his usual black suit. I set his tie better and then we were ready.

"Where's Destiny?"

"Sam has her." We went outside and saw the two. Destiny has a right grip Sam's finger.

"Let's go Sam." He hand over Destiny and we got in the car and head for the school.

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