Chapter Seven

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A limo pull up and I recognize it from the bridge earlier. He open the door and I get in. "The mall Sanders. You need clothes."

"What about school?"

"You'll be attending school in New York in a few weeks time." All I did was nod.

We reach the mall and he give me a gold card. "Buy all that you need. I'll wait here." I get out and went inside.

I bought jeans with a few dresses and blouse along with undergarments and shoes. I bought a few books so I can draw because I get bored easy.

I cash everything and carry then out to the car.

"If it isn't Miss Blowfish." I groan when the entire crew of barbies came infont me. My ex was also there.

"Stefani can we talk?"he asked.

"No." I move towards the car again but they block my way again. "Move out of my way."

"Leave her the hell alone before I smash your fake face in." They look behind them and Richard stood there with a scowl on his face.

"So he's your new boy toy,"said Kyle. "Have you screw him yet?"

"Ignore him Stefani. Sanders get the bags in the car." He lift me up and I force the tears back. "Its ok."

"I can't believe I dated him." I gritmy teeth, wanting to punch something.

The car left the mall and I took a sketch pad and pencil. My mind was blank but I just allow my hand to glide over the paper.

There was a face the mouth then nose and eyes.

I was drawing Richard.


I lock the book and it was taken out of my hand.

"Why did you stop?"

"Don't you thing it's weird that I'm drawing you when my mind is blank?"

"No. It's quite good actually."

"Thanks." So I finish my drawing.

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