Chapter Two

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  I jump over the bridge to save the girl. She seem to have alot going on and I can't see her die.

I land in the water and I saw her sinking. I swim towards her and grab her arms before swimming back to the surface. This is the wrong day for not having my car here.

Pulling her out of the water I lift her up and went up onto the road. I hospital was a few walks from here so I hurry. Her chest was rising and falling which means she's still alive.

When I finally reach the hospital I find a doctor to take her. "She try to commit suicide,"I said to him.


"I know nothing about her. She's pregnant so be careful." The doctor nod before leaving.

I was soaked.

"Excuse me. Can I borrow your phone?"I asked the lady at the desk.

"Sure." I dial my driver and he pick up on the second ring.

"Sanders. It's Richard. Come to the hospital."

"Yes sir." I thank the woman and went outside. It was getting dark and I have to get home.

I saw the limo pull into the parking lot and I walk to the car. Opening it I went inside and hurry change into some dry clothes and went back inside the hospital.

"Mr.Blackstone. She's going to be ok and the baby is ok too. I need you to make a report that will be handed into the police. We need to find her parents."

"They disown her and throw her out of the house. She told me before she jump off the bridge."

"We still need to contact the police." I nod understanding completely. Her parents need good tips on parenting. You don't throw out your teenager daughter because she got pregnant. That's just plain sick.

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