Chapter Three

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The police came and I explain to them everything that happened. They were going to run her finger print through the system since she's still not awake to tell us her name.

After doing to much talking I decide to go home and get some sleep. I have meetings upon meetings tomorrow and I wasn't looking forward to it.

I reach home to the huge,empty and lonely house. Well at least one of my house. I'm moving back to New York in two weeks time. When I go back there's no way on hell I'm coming back here.

I take a shower man and pull on some sweat pants then climb into bed. My mind went back to the girl and the troubled look on her face before she jump.

She was pregnant. How old is she anyway? I'm not judging her. But her parents should be more responsible. Disowning your damn child over a little mistake is not fair.

I've been through as much as she. I remember thinking about ending my life but then I look back at how far I come and keep pushing forward. I lock people out of my life. I hardly talk to my family. My bestfriend Matt is the only one I can tell anything. He and I has been through similar things.

He's like a brother to me. More than my own brother.

This girl make me do something I never done before.

And that's save someone.

I make a promise to keep myself to myself and don't pay attention to what's around me.

Yet I save her.

Damn. This is going to change my life. But she was really broken. She's expecting a baby. I can't sit back and let her distroy her life because of what happened.

I let out a frustrated sigh and went to sleep.

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