Chapter 34

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For the past week, Harry's been acting really strange and over-protective of me. He won't even let me go to the mall without him following me with his arm wrapped around me securely. I've also noticed that whenever we do go out, he's always looking around frantically, as if he was hiding from someone. I know that we're supposed to look out for their rival gang, but damn. He must be hella scared. Don't know why. Every living breathing human being under the sun is absolutely petrified by him.

In other news, my birthday's coming up! January 24! Well, I still have like a month to go, but still! My 20th birthday! Harry knows its coming up too, and he apologized to me about all this happening while my birthday is coming up. He said that he wishes he could just stop all this drama at least until my birthday's over. See how sweet he is?

"Babe! I'm going out!" I shouted upstairs.

I heard thumping coming down, and then I saw my beautiful boyfriend appear. He came and gave me a hug.

"Be safe ok? I'm gonna be checking up on you." He said and pulled away.

Which brings me right back to the question.

"Baby, I'm gonna be fine. You know I can defend myself." I assured him.

"Yeah but..." He paused for a bit. "Just be safe. Don't talk to anyone you don't know, and if you see anybody that looks like me walking around, don't go to them unless you know them. In other words, don't talk to strangers."

"Yes, dad." I joked.

"Yeah baby. Call me daddy." He winked and bit his lip.

"Only you would be able to turn that into something sexual." I giggled. "But I'll be fine." We heard a car honk. "That's the girls."

"Have fun babe." He said and kissed me. "Oh and, how you're dressed, don't think we won't do anything when you get back." He winked.

I smirked and strutted to the door, swaying my hips a bit more than usual.

"Tease!" I heard him shout before I closed the door, making me let out a little laugh.

"Hey soon-to-be-20-year-old." Brooke greeted.

"Hey soon-to-be-21-year-old." I said back.

Brooke's birthday is a few days after mine. January 30. (A/N: I don't know if that's her actual birthday.) Wanna know what downed my mood a little? The fact that Acacia was with us. Well at least its not Brenda. I also noticed Eleanor here too, but she was looking out the window like she was in deep thought. Perrie was driving, Danielle was on her phone no doubt texting Liam, and me and Brooke were engaged in our own conversation about what we're gonna do when we get to the mall.

"So yeah, I'm gonna get a belly-button piercing and a tattoo." I said.

"Cool. You should get a belly-button and hip piercing, like mine." She said. (A/N: Just pretend the hip piercing is there.)

"That's hot! Yeah I'm gonna get that!" I exclaimed.

"What's your tattoo gonna be of?"

"I'm gonna get 'Respect', 'Loyalty', and 'Love', and a diamond on my fingers."

"That would look so cute!"

"I know right?"


We arrived at the mall and as usual, people cleared a walkway for us and gave us looks of fear. I'm used to it by now.

"Well me and Brooke are gonna go to the tattoo shop. Anybody coming?" I asked the rest of the girls.

"I'll go." Eleanor said.

Well. This isn't awkward.

"Anybody else?" Brooke asked.

"No. Me and Pez are gonna go into that store over there." Danielle said, pointing to a store filled with sex toys.


"I have to meet someone." Acacia said and walked off in a hurry.

That makes me very suspicious.

"Alright. I guess we can all meet up at the food court then?" I suggested.

"Works for me."

"I'm fine with it."

"I'm hungry anyway."

Fucking Brooke.


"Ricky!" I called.

"Yes?" He said, coming from the back.

"Can you give me a belly-button piercing, hip piercing, and a tattoo?"

"Geez woman. Do you know how bad that's gonna hurt all in the same day?"

"I believe she said she wants a belly-button piercing, hip piercing, and a tattoo. Keep in mind that Harry Styles is her boyfriend, and she has him on speed dial." Eleanor butted in.

"Alright, alright. Don't say I didn't warn you. Anything for you ladies?" He asked Brooke and Eleanor.

"Tattoo." Eleanor said.

"Tattoo and piercing." Brooke said.

"Ok. Alana! Michael!" Ricky called. A blonde girl and a dirty blonde boy walked out of the back. "Work on these two." He gestured to Eleanor and Brooke.


"Finally I'm done!" I exclaimed.

My stuff took a bit longer than Eleanor's and Brooke's, so of course they looked relieved.

(A/N: Jasmine's piercing and tattoo are on the side and in the external link)

"God it took you FOREVER!!" Brooke exclaimed over-dramatically.

"Oh hush." I giggled. "I'll be back soon Ricky!" I said before leaving the shop with Eleanor and Brooke.


"What do you want? Do you want us to get caught?" I hissed at him.

"Don't use that tone with me. And how are you coming along? Any progress?"

"Zero. He just won't do it."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Weird. That's not like him. I thought he would've given in by now."

"Maybe, just maybe, he loves her?" I suggested.

It was just a thought. He chuckled humorlessly.

"Don't give me any of that shit. Harry doesn't love and you know it. That's the only thing we have in common."

"Everybody loves tho--"

"Enough! You know why I hate that word!"

"Oh yeah...Jessica."

"Did I tell you to fucking say her name?!" He boomed.

"Ok, ok. I-I'm sorry." I stuttered.

"Anyway, off of that blasted subject."

"Ok. So how do you think this is gonna work?"

"I don't know, but I've seen her fight. Nobody knows I have, but I have. And we need her on our side. As soon as possible."

"Yeah. I mean, of course Harry's gonna keep her. She fights like a fucking wolverine."

I saw his face light up. He just thought of something.

"What if we don't actually make Harry cheat on her, but we make her think he is?"

"That, I can do."

"Brilliant!" He exclaimed.

"When should I do it?"

He smirked before speaking.

"Her birthday."


I gave you guys another hint on who he is and I bet you didn't even notice it.

I dedicated this to @DreaminAboutNialler again because she is just like a sister to me and she keeps reading this, i love her xx

That was the autors note for today :D

xx-Lichellaw / NiallsNandos

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