Chapter 40 (Finale)

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"Niall, am I supposed to feel like this?" I asked him while I was driving.

As usual, I'm gonna drop him off at the alley. He's probably there more than me. Shocking, I know.

"Depends. What do you feel like?" He questioned as he looked up from his phone.

"Its like...well, you know how I'm dating Jasmine?"


"I didn't expect my feelings to like...grow as I was dating her. At first, I honestly thought she would just be a good shag, don't get me wrong she's fucking amazing in bed, but she's so much more than that. Ya know?"

"...No. I don't know."

I sighed.

"You're honestly no help." I mumbled.

"What are you trying to say? Are you in love with her or some shit?" He chuckled.

"I...I might be. I don't know. But when I think of her, I get all...I don't know. Fluttery? Inside. I've never went out of my way to protect anybody, I've actually never protected anybody. Its always been about me. But I wanna protect her and keep her out of harm's way. I know I said I wanted her to change because she'd be hotter, but...part of me didn't want her to. I actually did like the way she was before. She was an innocent little virgin." I smiled at the way she used to be. "Starbucks during the day, Hot Spot at night. Never wore anything like what she wears now. Never had on that much makeup. Never wore those heels. Never drank, never smoked. Don't get me wrong, I do like this new her. I just can't really choose which one I liked better. If she was still the old her, we would have no sex life until we're like 50. But the old her was innocent, and I meant it when I said I liked her innocence. And then there's the new her. Tattoos, piercings, got the whole bad girl thing going on. The new her is exciting, and I can touch her. And I like how she defends herself more. But it still turned me on when she would have a look of fear on her face every time I touched her. Well, every time she saw me actually. Do you think this is love, Niall?"

"Huh?" He looked up from his phone again.

I sighed.

"Nothing." I mumbled.


Once I got home from dropping Niall off at the alley, I immediately started thinking of a hiding place to put this.

The bathroom?


The vase?

Don't know when that'll be broken again.

The kitchen?


Fuck it. I went over to the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of eggs. I took a good look at it and shrugged.

"Well. Better than nothing." I said to myself and plopped the necklace case in an egg socket.

After I put it back in the fridge, I called upstairs to her to let her know I was home.

"Baby I'm home!" I shouted and peeled off my shirt.

No answer.

"Babe?!" I called.

I began freaking out again. Oh fuck. Oh fuck fuck fuck. Wait...

"She might just be in the shower again." I said and started calming down a little.

I went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get something to drink when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the Caller I.D and smiled. It was her.

"Hey boo." I smiled.

"Hey little brother." Instead of hearing Jasmine's sweet voice, I heard a voice that matched mine. Except it was devilish.

"Why the fuck do you have my girlfriend's phone?!" I yelled.

I heard him chuckle.

"Oh, Harry. I think you should be asking me why I have your girlfriend."

I slammed the fridge door shut before punching it. FUCKING SHIT MAN!! HE GOT HER!! HE FUCKING--GAHH!!!!


"What'll you do?" His voice held amusement. "I think you've forgotten who the actual baddest Styles is. Have you gotten her thinking it was you?" He said and start laughing like it was fucking funny. "You make me laugh. I'm the one who's committed the most murders, Harry. Have you forgotten that little fact?"

"That doesn't make you bad! That makes you fucking psycho! What kind of son rapes their own fucking mother and then kills her?!"

"I see you've forgotten someone else too. Did you forget what I did to Gemma?"

My chest clenched together as I held back tears.

"And Robin. And Aunt Kacey. And Uncle--"

"Shut up! Just shut up!!" I had tears streaming down my face by now.

That fucker killed our family, if you're lost.

"Harry, remember that I have your girlfriend. Don't you dare yell at me like that again, or she's a goner. I might just give her the same treatment that I did to mum."

"Please...not her too. I can't lose her." My voice was a whisper now.

"Oh, don't worry. She's got a great body, so I won't kill her...yet. Just gonna have a bit of fun with her." I could practically hear him smirking.


"Tsk tsk tsk...what did I just say, Harry?"

Then I heard a multiple thuds and screams. Those are Jasmine's screams...

"Stop! Please stop! She hasn't done anything to you!" I cried, literally.

I'm over here crying like a baby.

"In case you're wondering, I was holding her by her hair at the top of the stairs the whole time. Just pushed her down, is all."

More tears.

"Eddie...please stop. I'm begging you." I whispered shakily.

"I dunno. Kinda having fun. Aren't we little Jazzy?"

"Harry...Harry please help me." She said shakily.

My baby.

"Don't worry boo. I'll get you out, ok?"

"Did I tell you to fucking say that?!" I heard Edward yell.

I heard something that sounded like a slap and Jasmine screamed again. I couldn't help it, I collapsed on the floor in tears.

"Awww is wittle Harry crying?" He said in a baby voice with fake sympathy.

"You bastard..." I muttered.

"Sorry what was that?" I heard a crash and Jasmine scream again. "I couldn't hear you over all the screaming."

I feel horrible. I feel broken.

"Please give her back to me..." I whispered shakily.



The sequel will be up in a few days!!!!

But yeah, this is the last chapter . I had fun writing this ^.^


That awkward moment when you realize that One Direction read fanfictions too .... guys I better run . -Lichellaw / NiallsNandos

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