Chapter 3

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"Fancy meeting you here." Harry smirked.

He was here along with one of his gang members. The pale guy with dark hair.

"What now?" I said rudely.

"Whoa, calm down. I haven't even said anything to you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Niall was right. She is feisty." The pale guy said.

Harry pushed him, making him fall off the bar stool.

"Jake, shut up. She's mine." Harry said.

Jake. So that's his name. Cool. I had a hamster named Jake once, but it died so we buried it in the backyard.

"Geez. I'm not even your girlfriend and you're jealous." I said to Harry.

"I don't want you to be my girlfriend anyway."

"Oh and I guess that explains all the flirting." I said sarcastically.

"There's two types of guys who flirt. Those who flirt to get a girlfriend, and those who flirt to fuck. I'm the one who flirts to fuck." He smirked.

"And there's two types of girls who answer to that. Those who accept, and those who reject. I'm the one who rejects." I smirked back.

"Bartender! Get me 3 shots of tequila!" A man called.

"Coming right up!" I called back.

I took out 3 shot glasses and poured tequila in them. I slid them over to the man carefully, trying not to spill anything.

"That makes me want to ask you something." Jake said to me.

"Go ahead." I said, cleaning a pitcher.

"What is an innocent girl like you doing, working as a bartender?"

"Its just my night job. I needed extra money and Starbucks pays well, but not enough. So I started looking for a second job and this was open so I took it." I said, starting on another pitcher. "Now are you two gonna get something or just annoy me? Cuz you're just annoying me."

"Ok. I'll have a beer and a Sex on the Beach." Harry said.

Isn't that a bit too girly for him? Whatever. Can't judge.

"I'll just have a beer." Jake said.

"Coming right up." I said.

I passed them their beer bottles and started making Harry's Sex on the Beach. Still girly. When I was done, I slid it over to him.

"I don't want it." He said.


"But you asked for it." I pointed out.

"It wasn't for me. It was for you." He smirked.

"Oh I'm so flattered." I said sarcastically. "But I don't drink."

They nearly choked on their beers.

"A bartender who doesn't drink? That's something you don't see everyday." Jake said.

"I know. You really are innocent, aren't you?" Harry said to me.

"I guess so." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Bartender! Woo hoo?!" I heard someone shout.

I turned around to see Eleanor trying to get my attention. I smiled and went over there to her.

"Hey sexy lady. What can I get for you?" I joked. Then I remembered the drink Harry asked for. "Actually, I already have something made."

I went over to Harry, grabbed the drink I made, and gave it to El.

Good Meets Bad -au. h.s.- [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora