Chapter 33

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I saw Harry glaring at her evilly.

"If I would've known that you were on their side, I would've never fucking talked to you. I would've had Perrie shoot you out too." He spat.

But that didn't affect her. Instead, she smirked.

"Oh Harry. Harry, Harry, Harry." She chuckled, shaking her head. "How could you be so stupid?" The fuck she just say? "You knew that me and Jasmine hated each other. Why the hell would I be on your side?" Well she has a point. "And this is his little message to you. 'That fucker is gonna pay for what he did. And I know just how to get to him. After all, we do know each other very well.' And you know when he says something, he means it. No holds barred."

I'm actually scared right now. I felt Harry's grip on my waist tighten.

"Well you tell that shithead that he doesn't know a thing about Harry. He was never there for him, I was. He never gave him a smoke when he was stressed, I did. And I'll be damned if he has the fucking guts to go anywhere near him." Louis said, surprising me and Harry both.

"What, did you two kiss and makeup?" Brenda chuckled darkly. Then she turned her attention to me. "If I were you, I'd watch my back." She smirked. I was scared, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna show it.

"And why is that?" I asked confidently.

She took a few steps closer to me, and I took a few more steps closer to her until we were in each other's faces. She gave me the up-down, then smirked when she looked back up at me.

"Some things are better left unsaid." She whispered before turning around and walking off.

"Tell him he won't go anywhere near her! I'll be damned if he does!" Harry shouted after her. "What did she say to you?" Harry asked me.

"Some things are better left unsaid. It has nothing to do with what I asked her though, so she just sounded stupid." I said, finally turning to look at him. When I did, I noticed all color drained from his face. "Baby what's wrong?"

I could've sworn I saw his eyes watering, but he blinked back the tears as best as he could. Then he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I swear to you, I'll do everything I can to protect you." He whispered.


Some things are better left unsaid.

Some things are better left unsaid.

Some things are better left unsaid.

How fucking dare he bring that up. He knows it fucked me up badly.


"Mum! I'm home!" My 13 year-old self called.

When she didn't answer back, I furrowed my eyebrows. She always yells back.

"Mum!! I'm home!!" I shouted louder.

Still nothing.

"Mum?!" I called.

Still nothing.

I went upstairs into her bedroom and found it empty. I checked every room in the house, all empty. Where the hell did she go? She's always here.

Few hours later...

"Where's my mum?" I asked him as he walked in. He looked at me and let out a little laugh. "What did you do to her?!" I yelled. I was beginning to get scared.

"Oh Harry." He chuckled. "Some things are better left unsaid." He smirked before going upstairs.


I later found out that he killed her. My mother. Why? I'll never know. But I swear I wanted to murder that dick ever since that day. There's not a day that went by that I ever forgot the feeling I had when I knew my mum wasn't coming back.

I'm not letting him do the same to Jasmine.



So did this give you any clues? Who do you think it is now? Comment please! 


Here's another video for you guys ^.^

( <--Video is also on the side)

WATCH IT ! YOU WONT REGRET IT ! After you're done watching it, here's a gif to soften you up.

(Gif image is on the side)


ANYWAY............. (AGAIN)

I dedicated this chapter to @xAdorable because she is like the best person in the world ever and i really really love her. Go follow her pleaseeee!!!! xx


That awkward moment when the teacher asks you to read, but you don't know what page you're supposed to be on .... -Lichellaw / NiallsNandos

Good Meets Bad -au. h.s.- [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz