Key Terms & Pack Ranks

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Alpha King/Queen: Leader of the Royal Pack and oversees all the other packs. Part of the Royal Triumvirate. The head.

Warrior King/Queen: Mate to the Alpha King/Queen, oversees the warriors including scouts and hunters from the Royal Pack. Head general of the werewolf army. Part of the Royal Triumvirate. The right hand.

Omega King/Queen: Mate to the Alpha King/Queen, often seen as the mother of all werewolves and as the Moon Goddess physical incarnation. Part of the Royal Triumvirate. The left hand.

Royal Triumvirate: Refers to the three Royal Wolves. They are always mated to each other. Created to lead, oversee, and protect all werewolves.

Moon Goddess: the deity of werewolves. All werewolves are her children. The heart of wolfkind.

Alpha: The leader of a pack of werewolves. Capable of using the Alpha Tone.

· Alpha Tone: a command that must be obeyed by any lower ranked wolf. Doesn't work on other Alpha's and Luna's.

o Royal Tone: similar to the Alpha tone but can be used on all wolves regardless of rank.

Luna: The mate and equal of the Alpha. (Sometimes referred to as Luno or Lunx if male or to be gender neutral.) Capable of using the Alpha Tone.

Beta: Second-in-command to the Alpha.

Gamma: Third-in-command to the Alpha. Often the Chief strategist oversees scouts and hunters.

· Scouts: tend small and fast. Often used for both diplomacy and espionage.

· Hunters: elite trained warriors.

Delta: Fourth-in-command to the Alpha. Often the Chief warrior and oversees warriors.

· Warriors: everyday soldiers of the pack they make up the majority of the pack.

Omega: The lowest ranked werewolf. Often servants, cooks, and/or medics for the rest of the pack. Has a calming aura to other werewolves.

Mate: refers to soulmate, an instinctual bond that werewolves have.

Pack Link: a telepathic connection that all members of a pack share. Only members of the pack can be a part of it.

Rogues: Blanket term that refers to pack-less werewolves.

Hunters Guild: the police force of the supernatural world tasked with both keeping regular humans in dark about supernatural world and catching supernatural criminals.

· (No relation to the werewolf rank of hunter, although most werewolves that join the Hunters Guild tend to be hunters)

Templar Hunters: a corrupt sect of the Hunters Guild determined to exterminate all supernatural life.

Italics in quotations refers to mental communication whether it be with one's own wolf or within the pack link. Italics alone just refers to one's own personal thoughts.

The Royal TriumvirateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora