chapter 2

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Two weeks go by and Dipper's blurry dreams get impressively weirder each night, but he sleeps soundly every time. He felt way more refreshed in the mornings and was way more energized during the day. It greatly improved his mood, though the depression was still present of course.

Dipper watched TV on the couch with Mabel when they heard the doorbell.

"Not it," the boy quickly stated.

"Aww, fiiine," Mabel sulked as she got up from the couch before smiling and going to the door. She opened it.

There stood Bill, smiling at her. "Hello, young lady," he greeted politely.

Mabel smiled back. "Hii! How can I help you?"

"Well, you see I'm a friend of Dipper's and-"

"Oh my god!" She butted in before he could get another word out. "You're a 'friend' of Dipper's?! What kind of friend?! How'd you guys meet?! Did you know he has a thing for guys?! Because you look like you could be his type!"

Bill chuckled. "I didn't know he had a thing for guys, but I'll keep that in mind," he lied with a wink. "And Dipper can answer those other question for you if you don't mind."

Mabel squealed a bit at the wink. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!"

Dipper walked in. "Who was at the door-" His eyes widened when he saw who it was. "B-Bill?! Wh-what are you doing here?" He was definitely surprised and scared of Mabel finding out that this guy was a demon that he summoned himself.

"Aww, you don't wanna see me?~ I'm hurt, Pinetree~" Bill said teasingly.

Dipper blushed. "J-just get outta here.."

Mabel flicked her brother's arm. "Dipper, that's rude! Bill, was it? Would you like to come in for some tea or coffee?"

"Some coffee sounds lovely right now. Thank you so much for your hospitality." The blonde stepped inside. "And I don't mind Dipper being like that. It's quite cute actually~"

She squealed again as she shut the door.

The other teen blushed even more and just started walking to the kitchen, muttering curses to himself.

"Follow me," Mabel chirped and motioned for Bill to follow her as she also went to the kitchen.

He did so, looking around as they went.

When they got in there, Dipper was already sitting down at the table.

Mabel got to work on making the coffee.

Bill sat down next to the brunette boy. "How you liking your sleep so far?~" he whispered to him.

Dipper sighed, not going to lie. "It's been really good, thank you," he whispered back genuinely.

He nodded. "My pleasure, Pinetree~"

"Now tell me what you're doing here."

"What'cha guys whisperin' about?~" Mabel cooed, bring them each a cup of coffee.

Bill smiled at her. "Just about how Dipper wanted me to spend the night here tonight."

"No I-"

"That's a great idea!" Mabel cut him off.

The teen sighed again. "Mabel will you go set up the extra mattress in my room, please?"

"Sure!" She skipped off and up to his room.

Dipper looked at the other once again. "Now. What are you doing here?"

Bill chuckled. "Getting straight to the point, are we? Fine, I suppose I'll tell you~ I just wanted to see you," he shrugged.

"You..what? Why..?"

"Do I really need a reason to want to see my favorite Pinetree?~"

"I would think yes. I don't trust you for a second, Cipher," he practically spat out.

"That's so mean, Pinetree.. And after I've done nothing but try to help you.." Bill looked away, seeming actually sad.

"I....I'm sorry..." Dipper looked away embarrassedly, rubbing his arm. "You have done only good things for me so far..."

"No I get it.. You don't want to trust the demon, am I right?" He hung his head. "Nobody ever does... I'll just leave, get out of your hair, dift off in the wind like a disgarded leaf.."

The brunette sighed again. "No, Bill you can stay. I don't know if I trust you fully yet, but I'll try to.."

Bill smiled slightly. "Thank you, Pinetree~"

"Yeah yeah."

Mabel came back into the kitchen. "What y'all doin'? Screwin'?~" she quoted, raising her eyebrows a couple times.

The sibling of which was spoken blushed fiercely. "Mabel, stop it!"

"I wish~" Bill teased.

He blushed even more. "I hate both of you with a burning passion."

"Well, the passion is all I care about~" The blonde winked at him.

The girl squealed. "I'm loving this!"

"Mabel, shut up! Don't you have a date with Pacifica soon?"

"Oh yeahhhh," she said. "You two should come with, make it a double date~"

Dipper glared. "I'm not dating this guy!"

"But do you want to be?~" she asked with a grin.

"No, of course not!" He blushed more.

Mabel giggled. "You totally do~"

Bill snickered along with her. "Mabel, you can leave the boy alone now. Go get ready for your date."

"Okayyyy!" Mabel went happily to her room.

"Thank you," Dipper muttered.

"You're welcome, Pinetree~"

"Would you stop calling me that?"

"I might~"

"You 'might'? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, if I think of a better nickname for you, then sure, but for now, I'll keep calling you Pinetree," Bill said with a smile.

"You're unbelievable.." Dipper rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, I know~"

(A/n) woahhhh, another chappy? That's crazy. Anyway, hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'd appreciate any votes and comments. Have a nice quarantine lol #2020 XD

Sweet Dreams (Billdip)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora