
Start from the beginning

She was ready for herself to change.


Howling sounds of the wind filled the air of San Francisco as Lilith stood around with Willie and Billy at the open area of the graveyard, all three having a cigarette in hand. After deciding her plan back in Marcus's room, Willie and Viktor had reappeared into the bedroom, lockdown being lifted only an hour after them returning.

Looking over to Maria sitting herself in a foldable deckchair, Lilith noticed that the girl must have had a rough time through the lockdown period, spots of smudged makeup that she had not completely removed still situated upon her face. The two smiled at one another as they made eye contact, Lilith wanted to try and be civil or even potential be on better terms with the girl than they are in right now, as it looked like Maria needed a good friend, of which Saya no longer filled that void.

Humming along to the music, Lilith situated herself against the wooden wall, watching her two best friends discuss all things she was not interested in, allowing the girl to be lost in her own thoughts.

However, the sound of the graveyard door opening, slamming against the brick walls, brought Lilith's attention, noticing Marcus making his way over to the group. Not wanting to give the boy any time of her day since their altercation in his bedroom, Lilith went to drift her eyes away when she noticed patches of purple covering his face, bruising forming from the colour on his cheek and beside his right eye.

"Karma..." She muttered, not noticing she said it louder than she hoped when she heard Willie laugh beside her, before giving her a quick but light elbow to the hip. Willie simply stuck his tongue out at the girl as the two alongside Billy watched as Marcus stopped in his tracks, instead making his way over to Maria.

Lilith felt the two boys' eyes move off Marcus and onto her, making her own eyes widen at their intense stares.


They shrugged their shoulders.

"No guys... why are you looking at me like that?" Willie shook his head, rubbing his hands over the fire. Billy shrugged his shoulders again before looking at Marcus and Maria before looking back at Lilith. Lilith sighed, shaking her head at Billy, now understanding what he was getting at.

"Billy... I don't care... I mean it this time." Billy nodded his hand, high fiving the girl.

Lilith did care though. However, if this was a week or two ago, and she saw Marcus doing what he was doing right now, of which was leaning close to Maria, being somewhat affectionate, Lilith would have gone off on one and been very petty about the situation.

Instead, Lilith ignored the couple metres away from her and the boys, instead bringing her attention to Willie of whom was patting down his smart attire, consisting of a formal looking jacket.

"Willie you couldn't look worse if you tried stop." Willie narrowed his eyes at the girl, flinching himself towards the girl, Lilith fake gasping as she jumped back from the boy, the two beginning to laugh.

"No really Willie... you look fine, stop worrying so hard." Billy agreed, the two exchanging smiles within themselves and to Willie, when their attention was brought to the sound of the graveyard door screeching opening.

This time it was Saya.

Lilith locked eyes with the girl, both exchanging smiles with Lilith waving her hand over to the girl. Saya nodded her head, dismissing the looks she was receiving from Maria until Marcus turned around, him too now looking at Saya, but with a different type of expression written across his face. Lilith alongside Willie and Billy inched themselves forward, all intrigued in what was going to happen between the three students.

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