Chapter 36

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Rain fell and froze, covering the ground in an icy blanket. Clouds which were once heavy moved on, now relieved from much of their burden and swept along by winds they rolled and twisted over the land below. The moon shone full and proud as if king of the skies once more. Unmoving and brilliant white on such a deep black background it was surrounded by innumerable stars - twinkling subjects paying homage to their ruler. And in amongst them, one amongst the many, still unnoticed and unremarked upon by the people of Kreaton below, the pin hole of light was no longer such a tiny thing. More the size of a clenched fist it hung in the sky, day and night, while the clouds passed beneath and the sun and moon cycled, to the naked eye moving not at all.

While in reality it was moving a great deal.

In a very straight line towards Kreaton in fact.

And it carried with it more of a threat than any clenched fist ever did.

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