Chapter 18

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Even with the reassurance granted by L'nons hand on his shoulder, Braxter was nervous about walking underground in almost total darkness but nevertheless he began to edge forwards one small cautious step at a time. He stumbled only slightly as the ground beneath his foot first dropped away before suddenly rising again but soon after he was forced to his knees as he tripped over something unseen.

"Urgh!" he uttered as he flung both hands out in front of himself. He managed to get them up before his face hit the ground but was repulsed at the feeling of his hands sinking up to his wrists in a shallow pool of some unknown cold liquid.

"My apologies, Braxter. One forgets that not all can see as clearly in the dark." L'non reached forward and gripped Braxter by his sides, lifting him to his feet. "I think it would be safe to light the way from here...and hopefully a touch dryer also."

Braxter couldn't see much of anything but as he stood with a look of repulsion on his face, hands out in front of him dripping what he hoped was just muddy water, he would have sworn that he could hear the smile playing in the watchers words.

"Radious," breathed L'non quietly and immediately a flame no bigger than that of a candle began to flicker in his hand. The yellow warming glow which emanated from it was disproportionate to its size however and washed over the walls, ceiling and floor of the tunnel clearly illuminating the way ahead for Braxter along with any hazards he may encounter.

He stood, transfixed by the small flame for a moment, his mouth gaping in silent wonder and his dripping hands momentarily forgotten.

"Are you alright?" L'non asked.

"Wow....! I mean, yes! I've never seen magic before, that's all. Not real magic I mean." He spoke dreamily, gazing all around at everything the flame illuminated.

L'non smiled in response before once more turning Braxter away from him and gently urging him along the tunnel. "This is not "real magic" as you call it my friend, this is but a trick. A tool even. Real magic is only ever used in the most extreme times. It is a wise man who hopes never to find himself in a situation which calls for the use of "real magic". There is always a price to pay." He spoke quietly as he moved carefully along the passage and although Braxter felt the final statement had been made rather ominously, he thought better than to question it at this time. He concentrated instead on cleaning his hands of what indeed turned out to be cold, wet mud, fortunately for him, and better watching where he put his feet.

The air in the passage was cool and surprisingly fresh for all it was underground, it's continuous circulation through the ageless tunnels creating it's own climate which was evidently irrespective of what season it happened to be in the world above. The silence in which they were enveloped exaggerated every movement they made with even L'non being unable to completely hide the sounds of his footfalls.

They moved along the passage quicker and with more confidence now that the way ahead had been illuminated and before long reached a sharp bend which, until they were upon it, had been unrecognisable as such. Turning the corner, L'non's flame revealed the shapes of Ja'aris and Randyl still shuffling ahead, albeit at a very slow pace.

"I wondered how they'd gotten away from us so quickly. I didn't even see that until we were half way around it." Braxter couldn't help but smile at the familiar sight of his friend.

"Yes, these tunnels under the Asimari can be deceptive even when the way is clear and bright. This can be both helpful and..." L'non paused briefly as he searched for the right word before continuing, "...a danger in itself. Make sure you stay close."

Randyl stirred at the sound of voices as they approached but could barely manage to lift his head from where it hung limp with his chin on his chest. He was still conscious and trying to walk but the length of the chase and the crawl into the tree had taken their toll. It was clear they would be forced to rest soon or carry his limp body between them.

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